Thursday, April 12, 2012

Use Cases

Here are the diagrams we did in class. The first diagram looks at the system from the employees perspective. The employee is seen as a child (inheriting) from the actor person. The change schedule use case is dependent on the employee logging in. The contact security use case extends the use case Access doors. If the door fails to open, security will be alerted.

here is a written description of the employee use case Access Assigned doors.

Use Case: Access Assigned Rooms
Initial Condition: Valid Employee Card.  Scheduled for Room. 
Door Locked.  (System on and Armed)
Trigger: Employee requires Access
   1.   Swipe card
   2.   Card number, Time, Date, Scanner Number sent to be 
   3.   Card number matched, access validated
   4.   Scan logged as good
   5.   Door unlocked
Post Condition: Door Status Open

Here is the Security use case diagram.

Here is a link to an open source program that will do UML if you don't have or want Viso. It should also work on a MAC. ArgoUML

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