Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Assignment One

Program Planning Document

Your name: Steve

Date: 9/28/2011

Purpose of the Program:

he purpose of this program is to calculate gas mileage and cost per mile.


Cost per mile

Miles Per Gallon


Price of Gas

Beginning mileage

End Mileage

Gallons used


Miles per gallon = (end Mileage-BeginningMileage)/gallons

Cost Per mile =cost per gallon / miles per gallon

est Plan:

Test: 100 miles/10 gallons (test case)

Expected Outcome: 10 miles per gallon

Test Cost 4 price /10

Expected Outcome .4

Actual Outcome: 10, .4


Code (paste your code below):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Assignment1
    /*Assignment 1
     * steve Conger
     * 9/28/2011 */

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //declare variables
            double beginningMileage, endMileage, gallons, pricePerGallon, 
                milesPerGallon, costPerMile;

            //Getting input
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the beginning mileage");
            beginningMileage = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the ending mileage");
            endMileage = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of gallons");
            gallons = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the price per gallon");
            pricePerGallon = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            milesPerGallon = (endMileage - beginningMileage) / gallons;
            costPerMile = pricePerGallon / milesPerGallon;

            Console.WriteLine("Your miles per gallon are {0}", milesPerGallon);
            Console.WriteLine("Your cost per mile is {0:C}", costPerMile);



Statement of Work

Here is the statement of work we did in class


The college wants to implement short certificates that can be earned more quickly than existing certificates. This will increase the number of completions. Registration says it cannot track these new certificates, so a new database is needed to track them.


The database should track the certificates, and the classes each certificate requires. The database must also track the classes each student takes and what certificates they have earned. For a class to qualify a student must earn at least a 2.0, the classes should all have been taken within a five year span The database should allow for class substitutions. It should allow some comments and notes. The database should produce email and phone lists for students who have earned a certificate. Students who are close to a certificate should be notified. The database should be secured to protect student information.

The database should produce reports of how many students earned particular certificates in a given period. It should report how many students almost achieved certificates but were missing one class or so. Might use database to track popular and special topic courses, and how much time it took to complete the certificates.

Constraints: The database will not read the student data directly from the school system.


To track short term certicates.

To determine which students achieve certificates

Preliminary Time Line


Gathering information—4 weeks

Defining Business Rules—2 weeks

Designing databases—1 week

Normalizing data—1 week

Make the database--week

Test the database sql--week


Monday, September 26, 2011

Here is the Hello World app from the evening class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace HelloWorld
    /*This is the traditional
     * Hello world application
     * pretty boring */

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //This uses the console object
            //and its WriteLine method
                ("Hello all you Martians");
            //this is to pause the program long enough
            //to see it

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Trends in Programming and Database

Information Technology is always in flux, but recently the field has experienced more and more significant changes than any time in recent memory. Many of the basic paradigms of computing are changing. More and more computing power is moving on to mobile devices such as phones and tablets. More and more we access our data and applications from the cloud. Computing is social and omnipresent. For would be developers and people thinking of entering the IT field the changes can be bewildering. What should I learn? What skills should I master? On What should I focus?

I am going to begin a new subject line in this blog called "trends." In these entries I am going to focus on arising trends in programming and database, and, in particular, the skills required to get entry level jobs in these changing fields.

Some of the topics I will look at include:

  • The new mobile market including phones and tablets
  • Device programming (gps, cars, house, smart grid, etc.
  • Cloud computing, including cloud databases
  • Windows 8
  • HTML 5
  • Security

I will also look at other topics as they arise

I encourage comments and suggestions