Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Requirements (Afternoon Class)


Client information
Name, address, age, phone, email, homeless
Request amount,  paid amount distributed grant, max and min amounts, Employment
Gender, family, language (demographics), education level, number of kids
Nature request, categories
Dates of request—date of review, date paid
How many times, who approved,
Donors (name, email, address (apartment, street, city, state)) main contact 
Donation amount, matching gifts, category of donor, Donation date
Employees—not human resources 

Reporting Requirements

Who donated
How much was donated per year, per month, per quarter
How many loans granted denied
How many per category

Security Requirements

Who should have access to what data?
Enter and edit own
Public access reports Categories

Requirements: Morning Class

Here are the fields (Data Requirements) that we came up with, discussing Community Assist.

Name of clients
Request amounts
Types of services
One time limit, life time limits
How much they are donate
Address of donors (street, city, state, zip)
Addresses of clients and emails
Email addresses (not required)
Grants applied for—by charity
Grant approved or not and reason
Date of request, Date of Review, Date of donations
Date of dispersal
Direct or payee
Request status

Reporting requirements

What follow up with clients or record of meetings
Report on percentages for charity vs admin
Totals spent on each type of service
Totals by month and year

Security requirements

Personal information—who should be able to see it, how to protect
Employee access
Public roles 

Business Rules

Business rule—Do we allow anonymous donors?
Rules about who to they will accept money from.
Every grant must reviewed by at least 2 Employees
Every grant must be reviewed within 7 days after being posted
Constraint—will not be a human resources data