Wednesday, April 11, 2012



Use CommunityAssist

--simple inner join you using the inner join syntax
--you must specify how the tables relate in the on clause
--almost always primary key=foreignkey (though
--the order doesn't matter)
--inner joins return only matching records
Select Firstname, lastname, DonationAmount, donationDate
From Person
Inner Join Donation --inner join and just join are equivalent
On Person.PersonKey=Donation.PersonKey

--this is an older syntax to do the same thing
Select Firstname, lastname, DonationAmount, donationDate
From Person, Donation
Where Person.PersonKey=Donation.PersonKey;

--multiple table join
--contacttypekey 1 = home phone
--this returns fewer donors because 4 don't have
--home phones
Select Firstname, lastname, ContactInfo [phone],
DonationAmount, donationDate
From Person
Inner Join Donation
On Person.PersonKey=Donation.PersonKey
inner join PersonContact
on Person.PersonKey=PersonContact.PersonKey
Where ContactTypeKey=1

--same as above older syntax
Select Firstname, lastname, ContactInfo [phone],
DonationAmount, donationDate
From Person, Donation, PersonContact
Where person.PersonKey=donation.PersonKey
And person.PersonKey=PersonContact.PersonKey
And ContactTypeKey=1

--inner join using table aliases
Select p.personkey, Firstname, lastname, ContactInfo [phone],
DonationAmount, donationDate
From Person p
Inner Join Donation d
On p.PersonKey=d.PersonKey
inner join PersonContact pc
on p.PersonKey=pc.PersonKey
Where ContactTypeKey=1

--explicit cross join syntax
--a cross join matches each record in the 
--first named table with every record in the second one
Select Lastname, DonationDate
From Person
Cross Join Donation

--the older cross join syntax
Select Lastname, DonationDate
From Person, Donation

Select * From [Service]
--an outer join to see which grant types
--have never been granted
--an outer join returns all the records from one
--table, here the left or first table, and only
--matching records from the second (right) table
--in the result set, those from the first table
--that have no matches in the second table
--show up as nulls
Select Servicename, GrantAmount
From [Service] s
Left Outer Join ServiceGrant sg
on s.ServiceKey = sg.ServiceKey
Where GrantAmount is null

--a full outer join returns all the records from each
--table whether or not they have matching records 
--in the other 
Select Servicename, GrantAmount
From [Service] s
full Outer Join ServiceGrant sg
on s.ServiceKey = sg.ServiceKey

Here is a little example of self joins

--a self join joins a table with itself
--here is a little script to show
--an example

Create Database sample
Use sample
Create table Employee
EmployeeID int Primary key,
lastName varchar(30) not null,
Supervisior int
Insert into Employee
Values(1,'Smith', 3)
Insert into Employee
Values(2,'Rogers', 3)
Insert into Employee
Values(3,'Johnson', null)
Insert into Employee
Values(4,'Larson', 2)
Insert into Employee
Values(5,'Standish', 3)

--the self join
Select e.LastName as employee, s.Lastname as supervisor
From employee e
Inner join employee s
on s.employeeid=e.supervisior 

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