Monday, November 28, 2011

ITC 172 Assignment Five


1. Create a LINQ query that returns all the last names and first names in the people table

2. Bind the results the query in one to a DropDownList

3. Write a LINQ query that takes the city from a drop down list and returns the locations for that city

4. Add A try catch to number 3

5. Write the code to redirect an error message to an error page

6. Write the code to display the error message on the error page

7. Write the ASP markup to display a location Name, Address and City in a ListView control


Create a new Empty web site. Add a Web Form. Add a DropDownList and a ListView control. The drop down list will contain a distinct list of vehicle types. When a user chooses one of the vehicle types the ListView will display all the vehicles of that type. Use a LINQ query to fill the DropDownList, and another to fill the ListView. Add error checking to the code. Make a separate error page to display any errors. Use CSS to style the pages.

What I am looking for

Practices are worth 1 point each.
Filling the DropDownList is worth 2 pts
Filling the View List is worth 5 points
Error checking and error page is worth 4 pts
The CSS is worth 1 point

The total is worth 20 pts

To Turn in

Paste your code into a Google doc and share it with

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