Monday, November 28, 2011

ITC 172 Assignment 6


1. Add a textbox and a validation control that makes it a required field. Change the default message and show the ASP markup

2. Add a textbox and a regular expressions validation that validates that the textbox contains a valid email address

3. Assume you have a form with fields for last name and first name. Write the LINQ code to add them to the Person table in the AutoMart database


Start a new Empty Web Site and add a Web Form.

We are going to write a new customer and new vehicle to the Automart Database using LINQ. We are going to make the customer a registered customer. That means you will need to add the customer to the Person table, then to the RegisteredCustomer table and then add the Vehicle to the Vehicle table. All three tables are linked by the PersonKey.

Create the form with all the necessary fields. Validate the fields. Make Last name required. Make email required and also validate that it is a well formed email address. License plate and vehicle type and vehicle year should also be required.

Write the LINQ code to insert the new registered customer and vehicle. Use error trapping and add an error page to the project

Use CSS to style the web site

What I am looking for

The practices are worth 2 point each
The form textboxes and validation are worth 6 pts
The LINQ code is worth 5 points
The error trapping is worth 2 pts
The Css is worth 1

What to Turn in

Turn in all the ASP markup and the c# code in a Google Doc and share with

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