Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Statement of Work

Show Times: Local Shows and Acts


It is often difficult to know where and when a local band or artist is performing. Most advertising for shows is ad hoc, consisting of bills posted on the street and small adds in free newspapers. To solve this we conceived of creating a database that would track all the local venues and shows.


The Database will track local bands and shows. It will list the venues where the bands or artists perform. It will let fans register and be notified when an artist is playing or when a show’s act matches select genres. In order to accomplish this the database will also track artists and fans who choose to register. Artists are entered by the system administrator. Venues can enter their schedule information. Fans can self register to get notifications. Constraints:

The database will only track local artists and venues in the greater Seattle area. A local artist is one who resides mostly in the Seattle area.

Local artists will be listed but will not be allowed to add material to their information. The database will link to their homepage.


To make it easier to locate artists and shows. To let fans receive notifications of shows that might interest them.


Gather information week 2
Deliverable: List of potential fields and entities
Requirements and business rules week 3
Deliverable: list of requirements and business rules
Logical Design. Week 4
Visio diagrams:
Normalization: week 5
Build the physical database add sample data
Test the database SQL

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