Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Statement of scope

Here are the questions and ideas we came up with in class related to the database to track local venues and bands

--Track "local" bands  and the venues where they intend to play
what is the lineup?
event name (tour, album)
How many venues , how many bands
Types of bands--types of music
Times they play
Age range--venue age restrictions
Location of venues
commissions? who do you charge?
contact information for both bands and venues
Local or touring bands
web sites 
How many users
who is the user
How do the users access the database
login (some personal informatin)
--Constraints Not going to track TV, Radio, and other media

Here is the preliminary statement of work


We know a lot of people who are very interested in the current music scene in the northwest. Currently there is no centralized way to find out which bands are playing at what venue at any given time. We believe a database with a web front end would be the most efficient way to get this information across and would draw a large audience.

Statement of Scope

The database will track regional venues and the bands performing there. It will store basic band information, where they are from, type of music, some contact information etc. It will also store venue information such as address, contact information, and age and other restrictions. The database will track the dates, times and locations of shows. Fans can register to recieve notifications of upcoming shows of bands they mark as of interest.

Constraints: The database will not directly handle ticket sales or other financial information

Band information will be limited to basic description and contact information


Make it easier to follow local venues and bands

Time Line

  • Gathering Data:
  • Analyze Data
  • Design and normalize the data
  • Build the physical database
  • Test the database

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