Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ITC 222 Assignment 1

Simple Select Statements


Use SQL to retrieve database information

The problems

1. List all the people in the person table.

2. List all the people in the person table in alphabetical order by last name

3. List all the people in reverse order. Alias each field.

4. List all the locations in Seattle.

5. List all the services with a price of over $100.

6. List all the last names of persons with the letters 'tan' in them.

7. List all the services provided between 3/1/2010 and 3/15/2010.

8. List all the employees who don't have supervisors

9. List all the employees who do have supervisors.

10. List all the employees who have supervisors and were hired in 2007 (between 1/1 and 12/31/2007)

What I am looking for

I want just the SQL statement. I don't need the results. None of the questions involve joins or other more advanced SQL.

Each question is worth 1 point for a total of 10 pts

What to turn in

Ideally, copy and paste the code into a Google doc and share it with spconger@gmail.com. I will comment on the document

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