Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Donor Schema

Here are the notes we did in class for the Donor Schema. The task is to identify all the stored procedures and views for a given schema, in your case the employee schema. The goal is to never let the users actually touch the underlying tables.

The other thing to keep in mind is that there must be a stored procedure for every action the user would perform on the database.

lastly, create a preliminary set of tests for each procedure. First you should make sure it works as intended, then account for bad inputs and mis-use of the procedure. You don't have to create the procedures or run the tests at this point, though we will do it with some of the procedures in the near future.

Here are the unedited notes:
-Create a schema for donor
-View donor info --own info (stored procedure) pass a parmeter
test: Can see own information; Can't see somebody else; enter wrong user name
-View donation history
Test: (Does it work the way it is supposed to when everything is right. Think of everything that could be done wrongly)
-Register: stored Procedure (check to make sure not already registered)
-Generic login for donor schema
-login--Stored proc--specific
-Make a donation: Stored procedure ()
-Update own Donor Information : make updates
View Service and General Information

1 comment:

  1. Here's the SCOPE_IDENTITY blog I found:
