Sunday, May 26, 2019

Json and XML

Here is the script for sample Json and XML queries

basic JSON queries 

--create a table with Json as a datatype
Create table JsonTest
  testID serial primary key,
  test Json

--insert some records
Insert into JsonTest(test)
Values('{"testname" : "testOne", "testnumber" : 123, "testdate" :"2019-05-02"}'),
('{"testname" : "testtwo", "testnumber" : 234, "testdate" :"2019-05-08"}'),
('{"testname" : "testthree", "testnumber" : 345, "testdate" :"2019-05-12"}');

--query the value of a field
Select test ->>'testname' as "name" from jsontest;

--creates an array of sorts putting each element on its own row
Select Json_each(test) from Jsontest;

--returns the keys in the Json record
Select Distinct Json_object_keys(test) from jsontest;

--gets tne count of tests
Select count(cast (test ->> 'testnumber' as integer)) from Jsontest;

--returns the results of a query as Json
--double click the results to get a little dialog box
--copy and paste to a text editor to see the full results
with j as
 Select personfirstname, personlastname, positionname
    from person
    join employee using (personkey)
    join employeeposition using (employeekey)
 join jobposition using (positionkey)
Select json_agg(j) from j;

basic xml queries

--create a table with an xml data type
Create table xmlTest
 xmltestId serial primary key,
 test xml

--insert some xml
Insert into xmlTest(test)
values('<person><name>Joe Smith</name><email></email><age>34</age></person>'),
('<person><name>Kelly Jones</name><email></email><age>24</age></person>'),
('<person><name>Lila Bard</name><email></email><age>25</age></person>');

Select * from xmltest;

Select xmlelement(name name, test) from xmltest;

--return emails
Select xpath('//email/text()', test) from xmltest;

--return ages
Select xpath('//age/text()', test)from xmltest;

--put xml tags around query results
Select xmlforest(personlastname, personemail)
from person;

 --output a table as xmlf= fragment
Select Table_to_xml('granttype',True, True, '');

--output query results as xml fragment
Select query_to_xml('Select personfirstname, personlastname, positionname
    from person
    join employee using (personkey)
    join employeeposition using (employeekey)
 join jobposition using (positionkey)'
 ,True, True, '') ;

Select table_to_xmlschema('granttype',True, True, '');


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