here is the github version
#guessing game. #The game gets a random number between 1 and 1000. #The player gets 10 guesses. #With each guess the game tells them if #they are too high or too low or correct. #They start off with 10 points. #Each wrong guess subtracts one point. #When they are done it displays their score and #asks if they want to play again. #If they say yes it restarts the game. I #f not it shows their previous scores and the #average of those scores and says goodbye. #You should break the game into functions. #It involves for loops, while loops and ifs. #***************steps***************** #Get random number #get a guess # check if guess is lower, higher or equal to random #Do 10 times #Get Score #Ask if they want to play again #if yes do game again #if no exit and give overall score from random import randrange def getRandom(): number = randrange(1,1001) return number def getGuess(): guess = int(input("Enter a guess between 1 and 1000 ")) return guess def evaluateGuess(guess,number): correct=0 if guess > number: print ("Too high") elif guess < number: print ("Too low") else: print ("Got it!") correct=1 return correct def getScore(number): score=10 for i in range(10): guess=getGuess() correct=evaluateGuess(guess, number) if correct==1: break score=score-1 return score def gamePlay(): scores=[] playAgain="y" while playAgain=="y": number = getRandom() #print(number) score=getScore(number) scores.append(score) print("Your score is",score) playAgain=input("Do you want to play again? y/n ") playAgain=playAgain.lower() return scores def finalScores(): scores=gamePlay() total=0 average=0 print ("your scores are: ") for item in scores: print(item) total += item average=total/len(scores) print ("your average is ", average) def main(): finalScores() main()
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