This shows a partial deck class using the Card class from earlier in this blog
from CardClass import Card class deck: def __init__ (self):[] self.populateDeck() def populateDeck(self): suits=["h","d", "c", "s"] for s in suits: for i in range(1,14): card=Card(i,s) def getDeck(self): return def main(): d=deck() myDeck=d.getDeck() for c in myDeck: print(c) main();
here are the grade, and student classes.
#Get GPA #The grade class stores the information #for a grade class grade: def __init__(self,course,gpoint,credit): self.course=course self.gpoint=gpoint #allow another class to get the values def getCourse(self): return self.course def getGradePoint(self): return self.gpoint def getCredits(self): return def __str__(self): return self.course + " " + str(self.gpoint) + " " + str(self.credits) #student class includes GPA generated from a list of grades class student: def __init__(self,sid,name,email): self.sid=sid self.grades=[]#empty list for grades #this method adds grade objects to the grades list def addGrades(self, gradepoint): self.grades.append(gradepoint) def calculateGPA(self): #initialize variables self.gpa=0 weight=0 total=0 #make sure the list is not empty if len(self.grades) != 0: #loop throug the objects in the grades list #get the weight by multiplying credits and grades for g in self.grades: weight += * g.gpoint total += #get total credits #caluclate GPA self.gpa=weight / total def __str__(self): self.calculateGPA() #call the calculate method #string to be output if you print the class return self.sid + " " + + " " + + " " + str(self.gpa) def main(): #initialize the student object s=student("122453","John Depp",'') stop="n" #loop to enter grades while stop=="n": course = input("Enter the course name: ") gp = float(input("Enter the final grade: ")) cr=int(input("Enter the number credits: ")) #create a grade object g=grade(course, gp, cr) #add it to the student's grade list s.addGrades(g) stop = input("Do you want to stop? 'n' to continue ") print(s)#print the __str__ from student main()
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