Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar 21 2017, 17:54:52) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> myList=[1,2,3,4,5] >>> import random >>> random.shuffle(myList) >>> print (myList) [2, 4, 3, 5, 1] >>> #dictionary >>> #hash >>> #key value pair >>> products={"IPad" : 850, "Surface" : 1200, "Kindle" : 100, "Galaxy" : 500} >>> print(products["Kindle"]) 100 >>>
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Security SQL from Afternoon Class
select * from Person Create login bob with password='password' use Community_Assist Create user bobuser for login bob Create role grantapplicationrole Grant select, insert on GrantRequest to grantapplicationRole Grant exec on usp_Register to grantapplicationrole Grant exec on usp_login to grantApplicationrole Grant select on GrantType to grantApplicationrole alter role grantApplicationrole add member bobuser
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Classes and lists
This shows a partial deck class using the Card class from earlier in this blog
from CardClass import Card class deck: def __init__ (self):[] self.populateDeck() def populateDeck(self): suits=["h","d", "c", "s"] for s in suits: for i in range(1,14): card=Card(i,s) def getDeck(self): return def main(): d=deck() myDeck=d.getDeck() for c in myDeck: print(c) main();
here are the grade, and student classes.
#Get GPA #The grade class stores the information #for a grade class grade: def __init__(self,course,gpoint,credit): self.course=course self.gpoint=gpoint #allow another class to get the values def getCourse(self): return self.course def getGradePoint(self): return self.gpoint def getCredits(self): return def __str__(self): return self.course + " " + str(self.gpoint) + " " + str(self.credits) #student class includes GPA generated from a list of grades class student: def __init__(self,sid,name,email): self.sid=sid self.grades=[]#empty list for grades #this method adds grade objects to the grades list def addGrades(self, gradepoint): self.grades.append(gradepoint) def calculateGPA(self): #initialize variables self.gpa=0 weight=0 total=0 #make sure the list is not empty if len(self.grades) != 0: #loop throug the objects in the grades list #get the weight by multiplying credits and grades for g in self.grades: weight += * g.gpoint total += #get total credits #caluclate GPA self.gpa=weight / total def __str__(self): self.calculateGPA() #call the calculate method #string to be output if you print the class return self.sid + " " + + " " + + " " + str(self.gpa) def main(): #initialize the student object s=student("122453","John Depp",'') stop="n" #loop to enter grades while stop=="n": course = input("Enter the course name: ") gp = float(input("Enter the final grade: ")) cr=int(input("Enter the number credits: ")) #create a grade object g=grade(course, gp, cr) #add it to the student's grade list s.addGrades(g) stop = input("Do you want to stop? 'n' to continue ") print(s)#print the __str__ from student main()
Monday, November 20, 2017
Mongo Creating the Database and adding records--morning
Here are the JSON records we created
zoo animals [{ name : "Zack the Zebra", type : "Zebra", habitat : "African Savannah", age : "5 years", diet : "grass" }, { name : "Ellie the Elephant", type : "Indian Elephant", habitat : "East Asian Jungle", age : "22 years", diet : "Peanuts" }, { name : "Gennie the Giraff", type : "Giraff", habitat : "African Savannah", diet : "leaves" }] habitats [{ name : "African Savanah", description : "grass trees and exotic animals", inhabitants : ["Zack the Zebra", "Gennie the Giraff"] }, { name : "East Asian Jungle", description : "Wet tropical, palms and ferns", inhabitants : "Ellie the Elephant" }]
A picture of the insert of animals
Afternoon class
productReviews products [ { name : "Ipad", maker : "Apple", price : 830.99, color : "silver", quantity : 14, rating : [4,3,5,3, 5] }, { name : "Apple Watch", maker : "Apple", price : 400.99, color : ["silver","white", "black"], quantity : 20, rating : [4,3,5,3,5,2,5] }, { name : "Surface", maker : "Microsoft", price : 1200.99, color : ["blue","white", "black"], quantity : 5 } ] reviews [{ email : "", product : "Ipad", date : "11/20/2017", rating : 4, review : "Ipads are fun but hard to do real work on" }, { email : "", product : "Surface", date : "11/20/2017", rating : 4 }]
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Mileage and Card Classes
Mileage class
#miles per gallon # as class class Mileage: def __init__(self, miles, gallons): self.miles=miles self.gallons=gallons def setMiles(self, miles): self.miles=miles def mpg(self): self.milesPerGallon=self.miles / self.gallons def getMPG(self): return self.milesPerGallon def __str__(self): self.mpg() return "Your mpg is " + str(self.getMPG()) def main(): mls = float(input("How many total miles ")) gals = float(input("How many gallons ")) mileage=Mileage(mls, gals) print (mileage) main()
Class version of Card Class
#Card class Card: def __init__(self, rank, suit): self.rank=rank self.suit=suit self.value=0 def getRank(self): return self.rank def getSuit(self): return self.suit def getValue(self): if self.rank > 10: self.value=10 else: self.value=self.rank return self.value def __str__(self):"" su="" if self.suit =="d": su="diamonds" elif self.suit=="h": su="hearts" elif self.suit=="s": su="spades" else: su ="clubs" if self.rank >1 and self.rank< 11: + " of " + su if self.rank==1:"the ace of " + su if self.rank==11:"the jack of " + su if self.rank==12:"the queen of " + su if self.rank==13:"the king of " + su return def main(): c=Card(13,"h") print(c) print(c.getValue()) main()
Modified version of Card Class
#Card class Card: def __init__(self, rank, suit): self.rank=rank self.suit=suit self.value=0 def getRank(self): return self.rank def getSuit(self): return self.suit def getValue(self): if self.rank > 10: self.value=10 else: self.value=self.rank return self.value def getSuit(self):"" if self.suit =="d":"diamonds" elif self.suit=="h":"hearts" elif self.suit=="s":"spades" else: ="clubs" return def __str__(self): if self.rank >1 and self.rank< 11: + " of " + self.getSuit() if self.rank==1:"the ace of " + self.getSuit() if self.rank==11:"the jack of " + self.getSuit() if self.rank==12:"the queen of " + self.getSuit() if self.rank==13:"the king of " + self.getSuit() return def main(): c=Card(13,"h") print(c) print(c.getValue()) main()
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
json Examples
--Books and Book reviews-Reviewer Registered Books, Authors, Reviewers, Reviews, publishers Books { _id : 1, title : "Grapes of Wrath", author : "John Steinbeck", pubYear : "1939", descript : "A story of one family's journey to California during the dustbowl" } { _id : 2, title : "Best Scifi and Fantasy 2015", author : ["Neil Gaimen", "C. S. Lewis", "Ray Bradbury"], pubYear : "2015", descript : "A collection of classic scifi stories" } Author { _id : 1, authorName : "Neil Gaimen", nationality : "English", book : [ { title : "Neverwhere", descript: "A man becomes lost in the London underground" }, { title : "American Gods", descript : "Ancient gods try to survive in modern America" } ] }
Afternoon Example
movie { _id : 1, title : "Step Brothers", year : 2008, actor : ["John C. Riley", "Will Ferrell"], director : "Adam McKay" } actor { _id : 1, actor_name : "Will Ferrell", movies :[ {title: "Step Brothers", year : 2008}, {title: "Elf", year : 2003}, {title: "Anchorman", year : 2004} ] }
Thursday, November 9, 2017
First Classes
#First class example #dice from random import randrange class die: def __init__(self, sides): self.sides=sides self.value=1 def roll(self): self.value=randrange(1,self.sides+1) def getValue(self): return self.value def setValue(self, value): self.value=value def main(): again="y" num=int(input("How many sides ")) while again=="y": die1=die(num) die1.roll() die2=die(num) die2.roll() print (die1.getValue(),die2.getValue()) again=input("Enter y to roll again ") main()
Two classes
#item and sale and receipt class item: def __init__(self, name, price): self.price=price def getName(self): return def getPrice(self): return self.price class cart: def __init__(self): self.items=[] def addItem(self, product): self.items.append(product) def getTotal(self): total=0 for i in self.items: total+=i.price return total def main(): more = "y" c=cart() while more=="y": name = input("Item Name ") price = float(input("Item Price ")) product=item(name, price) c.addItem(product) more = input("y to continue") print (c.getTotal()) main()
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
MySQL SQL Morning
Use Sakila; Select * from Actor; Select * from Film; Select * from film_actor; Select first_name, last_name, title, description, release_year, rating From actor inner join film_actor on actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id inner join film on film.film_id=film_actor.film_id Where first_name like 'Pen%'; Insert into Actor(first_name,last_name,last_update) values('Bobo','Dodo', current_timestamp()); Select * from Actor where actor_id=201; Select last_insert_id(); Update Actor Set Last_name = 'Dodson' Where Actor_id=201; Update Actor Set Last_name = 'Dodson', first_name='Bob', last_update=current_timestamp() Where Actor_id=201; CRUD /*Create Read Update Delete*/ Delete from actor; Delete from actor where actor_id = 201; start transaction; Update actor Set last_name = 'Smith' Where actor_id =1; Select * from Actor; rollback; Commit;
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Guessing Game Python
here is the github version
#guessing game. #The game gets a random number between 1 and 1000. #The player gets 10 guesses. #With each guess the game tells them if #they are too high or too low or correct. #They start off with 10 points. #Each wrong guess subtracts one point. #When they are done it displays their score and #asks if they want to play again. #If they say yes it restarts the game. I #f not it shows their previous scores and the #average of those scores and says goodbye. #You should break the game into functions. #It involves for loops, while loops and ifs. #***************steps***************** #Get random number #get a guess # check if guess is lower, higher or equal to random #Do 10 times #Get Score #Ask if they want to play again #if yes do game again #if no exit and give overall score from random import randrange def getRandom(): number = randrange(1,1001) return number def getGuess(): guess = int(input("Enter a guess between 1 and 1000 ")) return guess def evaluateGuess(guess,number): correct=0 if guess > number: print ("Too high") elif guess < number: print ("Too low") else: print ("Got it!") correct=1 return correct def getScore(number): score=10 for i in range(10): guess=getGuess() correct=evaluateGuess(guess, number) if correct==1: break score=score-1 return score def gamePlay(): scores=[] playAgain="y" while playAgain=="y": number = getRandom() #print(number) score=getScore(number) scores.append(score) print("Your score is",score) playAgain=input("Do you want to play again? y/n ") playAgain=playAgain.lower() return scores def finalScores(): scores=gamePlay() total=0 average=0 print ("your scores are: ") for item in scores: print(item) total += item average=total/len(scores) print ("your average is ", average) def main(): finalScores() main()
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