--Employees --Clients --Donors --public --client Needs --See what kinds of grants --See the summary views --They need to be able to register -- insert into person --insert into personAddress --insert into contact --edit own contact information --Apply for a grant --insert into grant Request --See own grant and check status --view grants (their own) grant Review --schema collection of object --Role collection of permission Create schema GrantClientSchema; Go Create view GrantClientSchema.vw_ViewGrantTypes; As Select GrantTypeName Name, GrantTypeMaximum [One Time Maximum], GrantTypeLifetimeMaximum [Life Time Maximum], GrantTypeDescription [Description] From GrantType; go Select * from GrantClientSchema.vw_ViewGrantTypes; go Create proc usp_NewRegister @PersonLastName nvarchar(255), @PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), @PersonEmail nvarchar(255), @PersonPlainPassWord nvarchar(50), @PersonAddressApt nvarchar(255) =null, @PersonAddressStreet nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressCity nvarchar(255)='Seattle', @PersonAddressState nchar(2)='WA', @PersonAddressZip nvarchar(11), @homephone nvarchar(255) = null, @Workphone nvarchar(255)=null As --check to make sure they don't exist if not exists (Select PersonKey From Person Where PersonEmail=@PersonEmail And PersonLastName=@PersonLastName) Begin --begin if they don't exist --declare and set variables Declare @seed int = dbo.fx_GetSeed() Declare @hash varbinary(500) = dbo.fx_hashPassword(@seed , @PersonPlainPassword) Declare @PersonKey int Declare @CurrentDate Datetime = GetDate() Declare @HomePhoneType int =1 Declare @WorkPhoneType int =2 Begin tran--begin transaction Begin try--begin try/catch --insert into person Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonPassWord, PersonEntryDate, PersonPassWordSeed) Values(@PersonLastName, @PersonFirstName, @PersonEmail,@Hash, @CurrentDate,@Seed) --get PersonKey Set @PersonKey = IDENT_CURRENT('Person') --insert into personAddress Insert into PersonAddress(PersonAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values(@PersonAddressApt, @PersonAddressStreet, @PersonAddressCity, @PersonAddressState, @PersonAddressZip, @PersonKey) --check on phones if @homePhone is not null Begin Insert into contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@homephone,@HomePhoneType,@PersonKey) End if @WorkPhone is not null Begin Insert into contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@workphone,@WorkPhoneType,@PersonKey) end Commit tran End Try Begin Catch Rollback Tran print 'The insert was unsuccessful' print error_message() return error_number() End Catch End --end if they don't exist Else Begin print 'Person already exists' End exec usp_NewRegister @PersonLastName = 'Nelson', @PersonFirstName='Miriam', @PersonEmail='MNelson@gmail.com', @PersonPlainPassWord='NelsonPass', @PersonAddressStreet='4412 South Sound Street', @PersonAddressZip='98100', @homephone='2065550975' Select * from Contact where PersonKey=150 Go Create proc GrantClientSchema.usp_ViewGrantStatus @PersonKey int As Select [GrantRequestDate][Date], GrantTypeName [GrantType], [GrantRequestExplanation] Explanation, [GrantRequestAmount] Request, [GrantReviewDate] [Review Date], [GrantRequestStatus] [Status], [GrantAllocationAmount] Allocation From GrantRequest req inner join Granttype gt on req.GrantTypeKey=gt.GrantTypeKey inner join GrantReview rev on rev.GrantRequestKey=req.GrantRequestKey Where PersonKey =@PersonKey Exec GrantClientSchema.usp_ViewGrantStatus 1 Create role GrantClientRole Grant Select, Execute on Schema::GrantClientSchema to GrantClientRole Grant Select on vw_Donations to GrantClientRole Grant Select on vw_GrantTypeTotals to GrantClientRole Go Create proc usp_UpdateAddress @PersonAddressKey int, @PersonAddressApt nvarchar(255) = null, @PersonAddressStreet nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressCity nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressState nchar(2), @PersonAddressZip nchar(11), @PersonKey int As UpDate PersonAddress Set PersonAddressApt=@PersonAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet=@PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity=@personAddressCity, PersonAddressState=@PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip=@PersonAddressZip Where PersonKey =@PersonKey And PersonAddressKey=@PersonAddressKey Select * from PersonAddress Exec [dbo].[usp_UpdateAddress] @PersonAddressKey =1, @PersonAddressApt=null, @PersonAddressStreet='1002 North Mann Street', @PersonAddressCity='Seattle', @PersonAddressState='Wa', @PersonAddressZip='98001', @PersonKey=1
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Security SQL
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
More SQL
use Cafe Select * from Diets Insert into Recipe(RecipeName, RecipeInstructions, RecipeTimeMinutes, Component) Values('Cheese Sandwhich', 'Add Cheese to bread and grill in butter', 5,0) Select * from Recipe Select * from Inventory Select * from Ingredient Select * from RecipeIngredient Delete From Ingredient where IngredientID > 10 Insert into Inventory(InventoryName, Cost, VenderID, Expiration) Values('Bread',4.32,1,'7/30/2017'), ('cheese',12.50,1,'9/30/2017') Insert into Ingredient(Units, Name, InventoryID) Values('slice', 'bread',5), ('slice','Cheddar',6) Insert into RecipeIngredient(RecipeID, IngredientID, Amount) Values(2,5,2), (2,6,1) Update RecipeIngredient Set IngredientID=9 where RecipeID=2 and amount=2 Update RecipeIngredient Set IngredientID=10 where RecipeID=2 and amount=1 Select RecipeName, RecipeInstructions, RecipeTimeMinutes, name as Ingredient, Amount From Recipe inner join RecipeIngredient on Recipe.RecipeID=RecipeIngredient.RecipeID inner join Ingredient on Ingredient.IngredientID=RecipeIngredient.IngredientID Where Recipe.recipeName='cheese sandwhich'
Thursday, July 20, 2017
First SQL
Use Community_Assist Select * from Person Select Personfirstname, PersonlastName, PersonEmail From Person Order by PersonLastName; Select Personfirstname, PersonlastName, PersonEmail From Person Order by PersonLastName desc; Select * From Employee; Select * from EmployeePosition; --two table join Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, EmployeeHireDate, EmployeeAnnualSalary From Person Inner Join Employee On Person.PersonKey=Employee.PersonKey Select * from Position --four table join Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, EmployeeHireDate, EmployeeAnnualSalary, PositionName From Person Inner Join Employee On Person.PersonKey=Employee.PersonKey inner join EmployeePosition on EmployeePosition.EmployeeKey=Employee.EmployeeKey inner join Position on Position.PositionKey=EmployeePosition.PositionKey --Insert Insert into person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonEntryDate) Values('Rose','Axel','arose@gmail.com', GetDate()) Insert into Contact( ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values('2065551209',1, 130), ('2065551210',2, 130) Select * from Contact where personkey=130 Begin tran Update Person Set PersonLastName='Smith' Select * from Person Rollback tran Begin tran Update Person Set PersonFirstName='Jason' Where PersonKey=1 Commit tran --Delete Delete from Person where PersonKey=130 Delete from Contact Where personkey=130
/**************************** login Authentication and Authorization Login --server user mapped to the login and is for a database Windows Authentication--Active directory Sql Server Authentication--password username Roles --Collections of Permissions Schema -- ownership of a collection of objects Community_Assist Admin Reviewers SELECT UPDATE DELETE INSERT DROP CREATE ALTER EXEC Volunteers Clients General--public Donors What kinds of views would people have Stored Procedures, How interact Role Schema */ --schema use Community_Assist Go Create schema ClientSchema go Create view ClientSchema.vw_GrantType As Select * from GrantType go Select * from ClientSchema.vw_GrantType Go Create proc ClientSchema.usp_grantStatus @PersonKey int As Select GrantTypeName [GrantType], GrantRequestDate [Date], GrantRequestExplanation [Explanation], GrantRequestAmount Amount, GrantRequestStatus [Status], GrantAllocationAmount Allocation From GrantType gt inner join GrantRequest req on gt.GrantTypeKey=req.GrantTypeKey inner join GrantReview rev on req.GrantRequestKey=rev.GrantRequestKey Where personkey = @PersonKey exec ClientSchema.usp_grantStatus 1 Create role ClientRole Grant Select, execute on Schema::ClientSchema to ClientRole Create Role GeneralUserRole Grant Select on GrantType to GeneralUserRole Grant Select on vw_Donations to GeneralUserRole Grant insert on Person to GeneralUserRole Create login Jody with password='P@ssword1', default_database=Community_Assist Create user Jody for login jody with default_schema=ClientSchema exec sp_AddRoleMember 'ClientRole','jody'
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Cd Track numbers Artist, Artist Country Artists CD Title title of Track Length of Track Studio--label Genre, sub genre Year of release warning Normalization: First Normal Form There should be no repeating groups, no arrays Every column should be of the same type 13 Track Bad vibrations, entrance song, the sniper Phone/email Second Normal form: Getting rid of sub sets Third normal form: where one field describes another field that is not the key

Thursday, July 13, 2017
Database Snapshots
use master Create database Community_Assist_Snapshot on (name='Community_Assist', Filename='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.ITC224_6\MSSQL\DATA\Community_Assist_snapshot.ds') As snapshot of Community_Assist Use Community_Assist_Snapshot Select * from Person Use Community_Assist update person Set PersonFirstName ='jason' where personkey=1 use Master Restore database Community_Assist from Database_snapshot = 'Community_Assist_Snapshot'
Views and procedures for reports
--report donations --Grant requests --amounts requested vs amount granted --Employee hr --Donors --Grants per type Use Community_Assist go Alter view vw_Donations As Select Year(DonationDate) [Year], Month(DonationDate) [Month], Sum (DonationAmount) Total From Donation group by Year(DonationDate), Month(donationDate) Select * from vw_Donations go Alter view vw_GrantRequests As SELECT Year(GrantRequestDate) [Year] , Month(GrantRequestDate) [Month] , Sum(GrantRequestAmount) Request , Sum(GrantAllocationAmount) Allocation From GrantRequest gr inner join GrantType gt on gr.GrantTypeKey=gt.GrantTypeKey inner join GrantReview grev on gr.GrantRequestKey=grev.GrantRequestKey group by Year(GrantRequestDate) , Month(GrantRequestDate) Select * from vw_GrantRequests go Create View vw_GrantTypeTotals As Select Year(GrantRequestDate) [Year] , GrantTypeName , sum(GrantRequestAmount) Request , sum(GrantAllocationAmount) Allocation From GrantRequest gr inner join GrantType gt on gr.GrantTypeKey=gt.GrantTypeKey inner join GrantReview grev on gr.GrantRequestKey=grev.GrantRequestKey group by Year(GrantRequestDate) , GrantTypeName Select * from vw_GrantTypeTotals Create View vw_Employees As Select PersonLastName [Last Name] ,PersonFirstName [First Name] ,PersonEmail Email ,EmployeeHireDate [Hire Date] ,EmployeeAnnualSalary Salary ,PositionName [Position] From Person p inner join Employee e on p.PersonKey=e.PersonKey inner join EmployeePosition ep on e.EmployeeKey=ep.EmployeeKey inner join Position pos on ep.PositionKey=pos.PositionKey Select * from vw_Employees Use MetroAlt Select * from RiderShip Select * from Fare Create view vw_AnnualRevenues as Select Year(BusScheduleAssignmentDate) [Year], format(Sum(Riders * FareAmount),'$ #,##0.00') TotalFares From BusScheduleAssignment bsa inner join Ridership r on bsa.BusscheduleAssignmentKey=r.[BusScheduleAssigmentKey] inner join Fare f on f.FareKey=r.FareKey Group by Year(BusScheduleAssignmentDate) Select * from busRoute go Create view vw_RevenuesByCity As Select Year(BusScheduleAssignmentDate) [Year], BusRouteZone [City], format(Sum(Riders * FareAmount),'$ #,##0.00') TotalFares From BusScheduleAssignment bsa inner join Ridership r on bsa.BusscheduleAssignmentKey=r.[BusScheduleAssigmentKey] inner join Fare f on f.FareKey=r.FareKey inner join BusRoute br on br.BusRouteKey=bsa.BusRouteKey Group by Year(BusScheduleAssignmentDate), BusRouteZone Go Alter proc usp_BusRoute @BusKey int As Select distinct bsa.BusKey,BusStopAddress, BusStopCity, BusStopZipcode From BusStop bs inner join BusRouteStops brs on bs.BusStopKey= brs.BusStopKey inner join BusScheduleAssignment bsa on bsa.BusRouteKey=brs.BusRouteKey Where Buskey=@Buskey exec usp_BusRoute 72
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Backup Restore
--Basic backup --differential backup --back up log --restores --restore to a point in time Backup Database Community_Assist to Disk='C:\backups\Community_Assist.bak' with expiredate ='7/12/2017' use Community_Assist Create table AfterBackup ( afterbackupkey int identity(1,1) primary key, AfterbackupTime datetime ) Insert into AfterBackup(AfterbackupTime) values(GetDate()) Select * from AfterBackup Disk ='C:\backups\Community_Assist.log' Backup Database Community_Assist to Disk='C:\backups\Community_Assist.bak' with differential Backup log Community_Assist to Disk ='C:\backups\Community_Assist.log' Use Master Backup log Community_Assist to Disk ='C:\backups\Community_Assist.log' with norecovery Restore database Community_Assist From Disk ='C:\backups\Community_Assist.bak' with recovery, file =1 Restore database Community_Assist From Disk ='C:\backups\Community_Assist.bak' with norecovery, file =2 Restore log Community_Assist From Disk ='C:\backups\Community_Assist.log' with recovery Create Database Test Go Use Test Go Create Table People ( personkey int, PersonLastName nvarchar(255), PersonFirstname nvarchar(255), Email nvarchar(255) ) Go Insert into People(personKey, PersonLastName, PersonFirstname, Email) Select personKey, PersonLastName, PersonFirstname, PersonEmail from Community_Assist.dbo.Person Select * from People Backup database test to disk='C:\Backups\test.bak' Backup log test to disk='C:\Backups\test.log' update People set PersonLastName='Smith' use Master RESTORE LOG Test FROM Disk='C:\Backups\Test.log' WITH FILE=1, NORECOVERY, STOPAT = 'jul 11, 2017 2:10 PM'; RESTORE DATABASE Test WITH RECOVERY; Use Master Use test Select * from People
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