use Master if exists (Select name from sys.Databases where name = 'MetroAltDW') Begin Drop Database MetroAltDW End Go Create Database MetroAltDW go Use MetroAltDW Go Create table DimEmployee ( DimEmployeeKey int identity(1,1), EmployeeKey int, PositionKey int, PositionName nvarchar(255), EmployeeHireDate date, EmployeeHourlyPayRate decimal(5,2) ) Go Create table DimBus ( DimBuskey int identity(1,1), BusKey int, BustTypeKey int, BusTypeDescription nvarchar(255), BusTypePurchasePrice decimal(12,2) ) Go Create table DimRoute ( DimRouteKey int identity(1,1), BusRouteKey int, BusRouteZone nvarchar(255) ) Go Create table DimSchedule ( DimscheduleKey int identity(1,1), BusDriverShiftKey int, busSheduleAssignmentKey int ) Go Create table DimDate ( dimDateKey int identity(1,1), BusScheduleAssignmentDate date, BusScheduleYear int, BusScheduleMonth int ) go Create table FactSchedule ( DimEmployeeKey int not null, DimBusKey int not null, DimRouteKey int not null, DimScheduleKey int not null, DimdateKey int not null, riders int, FaresPerRoute money ) go Alter table DimEmployee Add Constraint pk_DimEmployee primary key (DimEmployeeKey) Alter table DimBus Add Constraint pk_DimBus primary key (DimBusKey) Alter table DimRoute Add Constraint pk_DimRoute primary key (DimRouteKey) Alter table DimSchedule Add Constraint pk_DimSchedule primary key (DimScheduleKey) Alter table DimDate Add Constraint pk_DimDate primary key (DimDateKey) Alter table FactSchedule Add Constraint pk_FactScheduleKey primary key (DimEmployeeKey, DimBusKey, DimRouteKey, dimScheduleKey, DimDateKey) Alter table FactSchedule Add Constraint FK_DimEmployee foreign key(DimEmployeeKey) References DimEmployee(DimEmployeeKey) Alter table FactSchedule Add Constraint FK_DimBus foreign key(DimBusKey) References DimBus(DimBusKey) Alter table FactSchedule Add Constraint FK_DimRoute foreign key(DimRouteKey) References DimRoute(DimRouteKey) Alter table FactSchedule Add Constraint FK_DimSchedule foreign key(DimScheduleKey) References DimSchedule(DimScheduleKey) Alter table FactSchedule Add Constraint FK_DimDate foreign key(DimDateKey) References DimDate(DimDateKey) Insert into DimEmployee(EmployeeKey, PositionKey, PositionName, EmployeeHireDate, EmployeeHourlyPayRate) Select e.EmployeeKey, p.PositionKey, PositionName, EmployeeHireDate, EmployeeHourlyPayRate From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee e inner join MetroAlt.DBO.EmployeePosition ep on e.EmployeeKey=ep.EmployeeKey inner join MetroAlt.dbo.Position p on p.PositionKey=ep.PositionKey Insert into DimBus(BusKey, BustTypeKey, BusTypeDescription, BusTypePurchasePrice) Select BusKey, bt.BusTypeKey, BusTypeDescription, BusTypePurchasePrice From MetroAlt.dbo.Bus b inner Join MetroAlt.dbo.Bustype bt on b.BusTypekey=bt.BusTypeKey Insert into DimRoute ( BusRouteKey, BusRouteZone) Select BusRouteKey, BusRouteZone from MetroAlt.dbo.BusRoute insert into DimSchedule(BusDriverShiftKey, busSheduleAssignmentKey) select BusDriverShiftKey, busScheduleAssignmentKey From MetroAlt.dbo.BusScheduleAssignment Insert into DimDate(BusScheduleAssignmentDate, BusScheduleYear, BusScheduleMonth) Select Distinct BusScheduleAssignmentDate, Year(BusScheduleAssignmentDate), Month(BusScheduleAssignmentDate) From MetroAlt.dbo.BusScheduleAssignment Insert into FactSchedule(DimEmployeeKey, DimBusKey, DimRouteKey, DimScheduleKey, DimdateKey, riders, FaresPerRoute) Select Distinct DimEmployeeKey, DimBusKey, DimRouteKey, DimScheduleKey, DimdateKey, riders, FareAmount * riders From MetroAlt.dbo.BusScheduleAssignment bsa inner join DimEmployee de on de.EmployeeKey=bsa.EmployeeKey inner join dimBus db on bsa.BusKey=db.BusKey inner join dimRoute dr on dr.BusRouteKey=bsa.BusRouteKey inner join DimSchedule ds on ds.busSheduleAssignmentKey=bsa.BusScheduleAssignmentKey inner join dimDate dd on dd.BusScheduleAssignmentDate=bsa.BusScheduleAssignmentDate inner join MetroAlt.dbo.Ridership r on r.BusScheduleAssigmentKey=bsa.BusScheduleAssignmentKey inner join MetroAlt.dbo.fare f on f.FareKey =r.FareKey Select * from FactSchedule
Thursday, August 11, 2016
MetroAltDW script
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Full text Catalog
Alter Database Community_Assist Add FileGroup FullTextGroup Use Community_Assist Create FullText Catalog ClientNeedDescriptions on Filegroup FullTextGroup --Drop FullText Catalog ClientNeedDescriptions Create FullText index on GrantRequest(GrantRequestExplanation) Key Index [PK__GrantReq__75A91ED011DB90BA] on ClientNeedDescriptions With Change_tracking auto go Select * from GrantRequest Update GrantRequest Set GrantRequestExplanation= 'I just got a new job and needed a bus pass' where GrantRequestKey = 9 Select GrantRequestExplanation from GrantRequest where Freetext(GrantRequestExplanation, 'child') Select GrantRequestExplanation from GrantRequest where Contains(GrantRequestExplanation, 'formsof(Inflectional, needing)') Select GrantRequestExplanation from GrantRequest where Contains(GrantRequestExplanation, 'formsof(Inflectional, break)') Select GrantRequestExplanation from GrantRequest where Contains(GrantRequestExplanation, 'child*') Select GrantRequestExplanation from GrantRequest where Contains(GrantRequestExplanation, 'near((food, groceries),10)') Select GrantRequestExplanation from GrantRequest where Contains(GrantRequestExplanation, 'afford AND month') Select GrantRequestExplanation from GrantRequest where Contains(GrantRequestExplanation, 'Rent OR school') Select GrantRequestExplanation from GrantRequest where Contains(GrantRequestExplanation, 'Food AND NOT stamps')
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Data Warehouse First Draft
Use Master go if exists (Select name from sys.databases where name = 'Community_AssistDW') Begin Drop database Community_AssistDW End Go Create database Community_AssistDW Go Use Community_AssistDW Go --create the dimension tables Create table DimEmployee ( DimEmployeeKey int identity (1,1), EmployeeKey int, EmployeeHireDate date, EmployeeAnnualSalary money, PositionName nvarchar(255) ) Go Create table DimClient ( DimClientKey int identity(1,1), PersonKey int, PersonAddressZip nvarchar(255), PersonDateEntered DateTime ) Go Create table DimGrantType ( DimGrantTypeKey int identity(1,1), GrantTypeKey int, GrantTypeName nvarchar(255) ) go Create table DimGrant ( DimGrantKey int identity(1,1), GrantKey int ) go Create table DimDate ( DimDateKey int identity (1,1), GrantReviewDate datetime, GrantYear int, GrantMonth int ) Go --fact table Create table FactGrant ( DimEmployeeKey int not null, DimClientKey int not null, DimGrantTypeKey int not null, DimGrantKey int not null, DimDateKey int not null, GrantRequestAmount money, GrantAllocationAmount money ) --add primary key Alter table DimEmployee Add Constraint pk_DimEmployee primary key (DimEmployeeKey) Alter table DimClient Add Constraint pk_Dimclient primary key (DimClientKey) Alter table DimGrantType Add Constraint pk_GrantType primary key (DimGrantTypeKey) Alter table DimGrant Add Constraint pk_DimGrant primary key (DimGrantKey) Alter table DimDate Add Constraint pk_DimDate primary key (DimDateKey) --add foreign keys Alter table FactGrant Add Constraint pk_FactGrant primary key (DimEmployeeKey, DimClientKey, DimGrantTypekey, DimGrantKey, DimDateKey) Alter table FactGrant Add Constraint fk_Employee foreign key (DimEmployeeKey) references DimEmployee(DimEmployeeKey) Alter table FactGrant Add Constraint fk_Client foreign key (DimClientKey) references DimClient(DimClientKey) Alter table FactGrant Add Constraint fk_GrantType foreign key (DimGrantTypeKey) references DimGrantType(DimGrantTypeKey) Alter table FactGrant Add Constraint fk_Grant foreign key (DimGrantKey) references DimGrant(DimGrantKey) Alter table FactGrant Add Constraint fk_Date foreign key (DimDateKey) references DimDate(DimDateKey) Insert into DimEmployee(EmployeeKey, EmployeeHireDate, EmployeeAnnualSalary, PositionName) Select e.EmployeeKey, EmployeeHireDate, EmployeeAnnualSalary, PositionName From Community_Assist.dbo.Employee e inner join Community_Assist.dbo.EmployeePosition ep on e.EmployeeKey=ep.EmployeeKey inner join Community_Assist.dbo.Position p on p.PositionKey=ep.PositionKey Insert into DimClient(PersonKey, PersonAddressZip, PersonDateEntered) Select Distinct p.PersonKey, PersonAddressZip, PersonEntryDate From Community_Assist.dbo.Person p inner join Community_Assist.dbo.PersonAddress pa on p.PersonKey=pa.PersonKey inner join Community_Assist.dbo.GrantRequest gr on p.PersonKey=gr.PersonKey --Truncate table DimClient Insert into DimGrantType (GrantTypeKey, GrantTypeName) Select GrantTypeKey, GrantTypeName from Community_Assist.dbo.GrantType Insert into DimDate(GrantReviewDate, GrantYear, GrantMonth) Select GrantReviewDate, Year(GrantReviewDate), Month(GrantReviewDate) From Community_Assist.dbo.GrantReview Insert into DimGrant ( GrantKey) Select GrantRequestKey from Community_Assist.dbo.GrantRequest --this isn't working Insert into FactGrant(DimEmployeeKey, DimClientKey, DimGrantTypeKey, DimGrantKey, DimDateKey, GrantRequestAmount, GrantAllocationAmount) Select Distinct DimEmployeeKey, DimClientKey, DimGrantTypeKey, DimGrantKey, DimDateKey, GrantRequestAmount, GrantAllocationAmount From DimClient dc inner join Community_Assist.Dbo.GrantRequest gr on dc.PersonKey=gr.PersonKey inner join dimGrant dg on dg.GrantKey=gr.GrantRequestKey inner join DimGrantType dgt on dgt.GrantTypeKey=gr.GrantTypeKey inner join Community_Assist.dbo.GrantReview rev on rev.GrantRequestKey =gr.GrantRequestKey inner join dimEmployee de on de.EmployeeKey=rev.EmployeeKey inner join DimDate dd on dd.GrantReviewDate=rev.GrantReviewDate delete from FactGrant Select * from FactGrant Select * from Community_Assist.dbo.GrantReview
Here is Turner's script which works better.
USE MASTER GO IF EXISTS (SELECT NAME FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'Community_AssistDW') BEGIN DROP DATABASE Community_AssistDW END GO CREATE DATABASE Community_AssistDW GO USE Community_AssistDW GO ----------- CREATE TABLE DimEmployee ( DimEmployeeKey int identity(1,1), EmployeeKey int, EmployeeHireDate date, EmployeeAnnualSalary money, PositionName nvarchar(255) ) GO CREATE TABLE DimClient ( DimClientKey int identity(1,1), PersonKey int, PersonAddressZip nvarchar(255), PersonDateEntered DateTime ) GO CREATE TABLE DimGrantType ( DimGrantTypeKey int identity(1,1), GrantTypeKey int, GrantTypeName nvarchar(255) ) GO CREATE TABLE DimGrant ( DimGrantKey int identity(1,1), GrantKey int ) GO CREATE TABLE DimDate ( DimDateKey int identity(1,1), GrantReviewDate DateTime, GrantYear int, GrantMonth int ) GO CREATE TABLE FactGrant ( DimEmployeeKey int NOT NULL, DimClientKey int NOT NULL, DimGrantTypeKey int NOT NULL, DimGrantKey int NOT NULL, DimDateKey int NOT NULL, GrantRequestAmount money, GrantAllocationAmount money ) GO ALTER TABLE DimEmployee ADD CONSTRAINT pk_DimEmployee PRIMARY KEY (DimEmployeeKey) ALTER TABLE DimClient ADD CONSTRAINT pk_Dimclient PRIMARY KEY (DimClientKey) ALTER TABLE DimGrantType ADD CONSTRAINT pk_GrantType PRIMARY KEY (DimGrantTypeKey) ALTER TABLE DimGrant ADD CONSTRAINT pk_DimGrant PRIMARY KEY (DimGrantKey) ALTER TABLE DimDate ADD CONSTRAINT pk_DimDate PRIMARY KEY (DimDateKey) ALTER TABLE FactGrant ADD CONSTRAINT pk_FactGrant PRIMARY KEY (DimEmployeeKey,DimClientKey,DimGrantTypeKey,DimGrantKey,DimDateKey) ALTER TABLE FactGrant ADD CONSTRAINT fk_Employee FOREIGN KEY (DimEmployeeKey) REFERENCES DimEmployee(DimEmployeeKey) ALTER TABLE FactGrant ADD CONSTRAINT fk_Client FOREIGN KEY (DimClientKey) REFERENCES DimClient(DimClientKey) ALTER TABLE FactGrant ADD CONSTRAINT fk_GrantType FOREIGN KEY (DimGrantTypeKey) REFERENCES DimGrantType(DimGrantTypeKey) ALTER TABLE FactGrant ADD CONSTRAINT fk_Grant FOREIGN KEY (DimGrantKey) REFERENCES DimGrant(DimGrantKey) ALTER TABLE FactGrant ADD CONSTRAINT fk_Date FOREIGN KEY (DimDateKey) REFERENCES DimDate(DimDateKey) GO INSERT INTO DimEmployee(EmployeeKey, EmployeeHireDate, EmployeeAnnualSalary, PositionName) SELECT e.EmployeeKey, EmployeeHireDate, EmployeeAnnualSalary, PositionName FROM Community_Assist.dbo.Employee e INNER JOIN Community_Assist.dbo.EmployeePosition ep ON e.EmployeeKey = ep.EmployeeKey INNER JOIN Community_Assist.dbo.Position p ON p.PositionKey = ep.PositionKey GO INSERT INTO DimClient(PersonKey,PersonAddressZip,PersonDateEntered) SELECT p.PersonKey, PersonAddressZip, PersonEntryDate FROM Community_Assist.dbo.Person p INNER JOIN (SELECT MIN(PersonAddressKey) PersonAddressKey, PersonKey FROM Community_Assist.dbo.PersonAddress GROUP BY PersonKey) mpk ON p.PersonKey = mpk.PersonKey INNER JOIN Community_Assist.dbo.PersonAddress pa ON mpk.PersonAddressKey = pa.PersonAddressKey WHERE p.PersonKey IN (SELECT PersonKey FROM Community_Assist.dbo.GrantRequest) GO --TRUNCATE TABLE DimClient INSERT INTO DimGrantType(GrantTypeKey, GrantTypeName) SELECT GrantTypeKey, GrantTypeName FROM Community_Assist.dbo.GrantType GO INSERT INTO DimDate(GrantReviewDate, GrantYear, GrantMonth) SELECT DISTINCT GrantReviewDate, YEAR(GrantReviewDate), MONTH(GrantReviewDate) FROM Community_Assist.dbo.GrantReview GO INSERT INTO DimGrant(GrantKey) SELECT GrantRequestKey FROM Community_Assist.dbo.GrantRequest GO INSERT INTO FactGrant(DimEmployeeKey, DimClientKey, DimGrantTypeKey, DimGrantKey, DimDateKey, GrantRequestAmount, GrantAllocationAmount) SELECT DimEmployeeKey, DimClientKey, DimGrantTypeKey, DimGrantKey, DimDateKey, GrantRequestAmount, GrantAllocationAmount FROM DimClient dc INNER JOIN Community_Assist.dbo.GrantRequest greq ON dc.PersonKey = greq.PersonKey INNER JOIN Community_Assist.dbo.Person p ON dc.PersonKey = p.PersonKey INNER JOIN Community_Assist.dbo.GrantReview grev ON greq.GrantRequestKey = grev.GrantRequestKey INNER JOIN DimGrantType dgt ON greq.GrantTypeKey = dgt.GrantTypeKey INNER JOIN DimGrant dg ON dg.GrantKey = greq.GrantRequestKey INNER JOIN Community_Assist.dbo.Employee e ON grev.EmployeeKey = e.EmployeeKey INNER JOIN DimEmployee de ON e.EmployeeKey = de.EmployeeKey INNER JOIN DimDate dd ON grev.GrantReviewDate = dd.GrantReviewDate GO SELECT * FROM FactGrant ORDER BY DimGrantTypeKey ASC SELECT GrantTypeKey, COUNT(*) FROM Community_Assist.dbo.GrantRequest GROUP BY GrantTypeKey SELECT * FROM Community_Assist.dbo.GrantReview SELECT * FROM Community_Assist.dbo.GrantRequest WHERE GrantRequestKey = 18 -- shitty debug query SELECT DimEmployeeKey, DimClientKey, DimGrantTypeKey, DimGrantKey, DimDateKey, grev.GrantReviewDate FROM DimClient dc INNER JOIN Community_Assist.dbo.GrantRequest greq ON dc.PersonKey = greq.PersonKey INNER JOIN Community_Assist.dbo.GrantReview grev ON greq.GrantRequestKey = grev.GrantRequestKey INNER JOIN DimEmployee de ON grev.EmployeeKey = de.EmployeeKey INNER JOIN DimGrantType dgt ON greq.GrantTypeKey = dgt.GrantTypeKey INNER JOIN DimGrant dg ON greq.GrantRequestKey = dg.GrantKey INNER JOIN DimDate dd ON grev.GrantReviewDate = dd.GrantReviewDate ORDER BY DimClientKey ASC SELECT * FROM DimClient ORDER BY PersonKey SELECT MIN(PersonKey) PersonKey, MIN(PersonAddressKey) PersonAddressKey, PersonAddressZip, PersonAddressStreet FROM Community_Assist.dbo.PersonAddress GROUP BY PersonAddressZip, PersonAddressStreet ORDER BY PersonKey SELECT * FROM Community_Assist.dbo.PersonAddress WHERE PersonAddressZip = '' SELECT MIN(PersonAddressKey) PersonAddressKey, PersonKey FROM Community_Assist.dbo.PersonAddress GROUP BY PersonKey
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