Thursday, November 17, 2011

ITC 172 Assignment One


Create basic programming structures

Create interactive web pages with data bound controls


In each of these, provide the code snippet requested by the question. You do not have to provide the whole project and surrounding code.

1. Define an array that has the values "red, green, blue, yellow, white, black and brown"

2. Write the code that binds the array in one to a DropDownList.

3. Write the code to retrieve the text of the selected item from the DropDownlist

4. Add a calendar control to a web page, a button, and a label. Write the code so that when you click the button the current date shows in the label.

5. Write the code that would redirect the user to a second web page if they click a button.

6. Make an external style sheet that sets the color of the h2 element to Green. Attach the style sheet to the Web Form. (show the style sheet entry for h2, and the html for attaching the style sheet).

7. Write the code to pass the variables in a http Get

8. Write the coed to retrieve variables from an http Get string

Programing Assignment

Create a web form for Students to sign up for counseling appointments. It should have a calendar control. It should also have a drop down list that is bound to an array with the following elements : Class Selection, Degree audit, Initial interview, personal issues. The user should enter their name, choose the reason for the visit from the DropDownList and select a date from the Calendar. When they click the button to make an appointment, you should check to makes sure all three elements are there, then pass them to a second page which shows their name, the Date, the type of appointment requested and confirms the appointment.

What I am looking for

The practices are worth 1 point each

In the assignment:
the array----2pts
binding the array to the drop down list control---2pts
Getting the selected date from the calendar--1pt
Passing the information to the second page---2pts
Displaying the information on the second page--2pts
A working web app--3pts

The whole thing is worth 20 points

What to turn in

Use your school google docs account or a personal google docs account and copy all the code, the html/asp markup and the C# into a document. Share it with I will write comments and grades on the document.

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