Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Code from chapter 6 video

Functions divide code into blocks.
Each function should do one thing.
Functions make it easier to debug and manage
program flow.
A function can just execute its code and be done.
A function can take in parameters to work with.
A function can return a value.
We are going to do a very simple program to calculate area
this requires the following steps
1. print out of what the program does
2. get the length and width of the area in feet
3. calculate the area
4. Output the results
Each step will be a separate function.
def intro():
    print("This program calculates area")

def getLength():
    length=eval(input("enter the length: "))
    return length

def getWidth():
    width=eval(input("Enter the width: "))
    return width

def calculateArea():
    a=l * w

def outputArea(area):
    print("the area is", area)

def main():



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