Thursday, October 12, 2017


a simple function

#Simple function

#define function
def cube():
    number=int(input("Enter a number"))
    myCube=number * number * number
    print (myCube)

def main():
    cube()#call function

A revision of the cube function that takes a parameter

#Simple function

#define function
def getNumber():
    number=int(input("Enter a number "))
    cube(number)#call number and pass a value
def cube(num):
    myCube=num * num * num
    print (myCube)

def main():
    getNumber()#call function


another version with the cube function returning a value

#functions with passing a value
#and returning values

#define function
def getNumber():
    number=int(input("Enter a number "))
    return number
def cube(num):
    myCube=num * num * num
    return myCube

def printResults():
    print("the cube is",cube(number))#calls cube

def main():


A series of functions with one returning a value.

#using functions
# this program uses a function
#to gather some text
#another to write it to a file
#another to read the file
#and a main function to call
#the functions
#steve conger 10/12/2017

# function to get text
def getText():
    myText=input("enter your text ")
    return myText #returns the text
                  #to the callling function

def writeFile():
    text=getText() #calls getText() assigns
                   #returned value
    #get filename
    fname=input("enter file name")
    #open a file for writing
    #print the text to the file
    print(text, file=outfile)

def readFile():
    #gets file name
    fname=input("enter file name")
    #opens the file for reading
    #reads what's in the file
    data =
    #prints output

def main():
    writeFile() #calls writeFile()
    #no need to call getText() because
    #it is called in writeFile()
    #this is just for seperation
    readFile() #call readFile()

main()#call main

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