# if inside of ifs # town that has a traffic fines # $5 for each mile above the speed limit # Maximum fine of $200 # input speed limit # input the speed they were travelling # test if speeding # get the miles over speedlimit # multiply each mile over by five # if fine >200 then set to 200 def getSpeedLimit(): limit = int(input("Enter the speed limit: ")) return limit def getSpeed(): speed = int(input("Enter the speed traveled: ")) return speed def determineFine(limit, speed): penultyPerMPH=5 fine =0 if speed > limit: over = speed-limit fine = over * penultyPerMPH if fine > 200: fine=200 return fine def ticket(fine): if fine > 0: print("You owe", fine,"for speeding") else: print ("thank you for visiting") def main(): proceed="y" while proceed=="y": limit = getSpeedLimit() speed = getSpeed() fine = determineFine(limit, speed) ticket(fine) proceed=input("Continue y/n") proceed=proceed.lower() main()
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Embedded if, first While loop
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Python If, slif and else
#Simple if def main(): number = int(input("Enter a number ")) if number > 5: print ("the number is bigger than 5") elif number==5: print ("the number is 5") else: print("The number is less than 5") main()
Here is the grading decision tree
#Grade scores between 100 and 0 #broken into 4 point system def getScore(): score=int(input("enter the test score ")) return score def getGrade(score): grade = 0.0 if score >= 90: grade = 4.0 elif score >= 85: grade = 3.5 elif score >= 80: grade=3.0 elif score >= 75: grade = 2.5 elif score >= 70: grade = 2.0 elif score >= 65: grade = 1.0 else: grade= 0.0 return grade def printGrade(grade): print ("Your test grade is ", grade) def main(): testScore = getScore() #print(testScore) gradePoint = getGrade(testScore) printGrade(gradePoint) main()
The prime number program
#Code will generate 41 prime number def getNumber(): number = int(input("Enter a number between 0 to 40: ")) return number def checkNumber(number): checkedNumber=0 if number >=0 and number <=40: checkedNumber = number else: checkedNumber=-1 return checkedNumber def getPrime(number): prime = number * number - number +41 return prime def printPrime(prime): print ("The prime number is", prime) def main(): num = getNumber() checkNum = checkNumber(num) #print(checkNum) if checkNum == -1: print ("Numbers must be between 0 and 40") return prime = getPrime(num) printPrime(prime) main()
#peer execise 6 #Wages with overtime def getWage(): rate = float(input("Enter your hourly rate")) return rate def getHours(): hours = float(input("Enter your weekly hours")) return hours def calculateGross(rate, hours): gross=0 overtimeRate=1.5 regHours=40 if hours > regHours: gross=rate * (regHours + ((hours-regHours)*overtimeRate)) else: gross=rate * hours return gross def printGross(gross): print("Your gross pay is",gross) def main(): rate = getWage() hours = getHours() gross=calculateGross(rate, hours) printGross(gross) main()
Monday, October 23, 2017
SQL Code from Afternoon Class
Use Community_Assist; Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person; Select * from Person Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person order by PersonLastName Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person order by PersonLastName desc Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person order by PersonLastName desc, PersonFirstName desc Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person Where PersonLastname='Tanner' order by PersonLastName desc, PersonFirstName desc Select * from Donation Select DonationKey, donationDate, DonationAmount From Donation where donationAmount > 1000 --=, <, >, <=, >=, !=, <>, Select * from Donation where DonationDate='2015-8-11' Select * from Donation where DonationDate between '2015-8-11' and '2015-8-12' Select * from Donation where DonationDate not between '2015-8-11' and '2015-8-12' Select * from PersonAddress where Not PersonAddressCity = 'Seattle' And PersonAddressApt is null Select * from PersonAddress where Not PersonAddressCity = 'Seattle' OR PersonAddressApt is null Select * From Person where PersonLastName like 'T%r' Select * From Person where PersonEmail like '%msn.com' --Joins Select * from Donation Select PersonLastName, PersonEmail, DonationAmount From Person inner join Donation on Person.PersonKey=Donation.PersonKey Where PersonLastName='Mann' Select PersonLastName, PersonEmail, sum(DonationAmount) as Total From Person inner join Donation on Person.PersonKey=Donation.PersonKey Where PersonLastName='Mann' Group by PersonLastName, PersonEmail Select * from GrantRequest /* This is a multiline comment */ Select PersonLastName, PersonEmail, GrantRequestDate, GrantTypeName, GrantRequestAmount From Person inner join GrantRequest on Person.PersonKey = GrantRequest.PersonKey inner join GrantType on GrantType.GrantTypeKey=GrantRequest.GrantTypeKey Select DonationKey, DonationAmount, DonationAmount * .7 as ToCharity, DonationAmount * .3 as ToProgram From Donation --* mult, + add, - sub, / div, % modulus Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonEntryDate) Values('Turner','Tina','tt@gmail.com',GetDate()) Insert into PersonAddress( PersonAddressStreet,PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values('1000 Elsewhere blv', '98122', IDENT_CURRENT('Person')) Insert into Donation(PersonKey, DonationDate, DonationAmount) Values(IDENT_CURRENT('Person'),GetDate(),1000.00) Select * from PersonAddress Select * from Donation
SQL Code from Morning Class
Use Community_Assist; /* first use of SQL 10/23/2017 */ Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person; Select * from Person; --sort Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person order by PersonLastName, PersonFirstName Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person order by PersonLastName desc,PersonFirstName Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person where PersonLastName='Tanner' --all last names with T Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person where PersonLastName like'T%' Select * from Donation Where not DonationAmount >= 1000 order by DonationAmount desc Select * from Donation where DonationDate = '2015-08-11 20:00:35:890' Select * from Donation where DonationDate between '2015-08-11' and '2015-08-12' Select GetDate() Select DonationAmount as Amount, DonationAmount * .65 as CharityPercent From Donation --*, +, -, / --=, !=, <>, >, <, >=, <= Select PersonLastname, PersonEmail, DonationAmount From Person inner Join Donation on Person.PersonKey=Donation.Personkey order by PersonlastName Select PersonLastname, PersonEmail, Sum(DonationAmount) From Person inner Join Donation on Person.PersonKey=Donation.Personkey Group by PersonEmail, PersonLastName order by PersonlastName Select * from GrantRequest Select PersonLastname, PersonFirstName, GrantRequestDate, GrantTypeName, GrantRequestAmount From Person Inner Join GrantRequest on Person.PersonKey=GrantRequest.PersonKey Inner join GrantType on GrantType.GrantTypeKey=GrantRequest.GrantTypeKey Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonEntryDate) Values('Richards','Kieth','kr@gmail.com',GetDate()) Insert into PersonAddress(PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values('1000 Somewhere blvd', '98122',IDENT_CURRENT('Person')) Insert into Donation(PersonKey, DonationDate, DonationAmount) Values(IDENT_CURRENT('Person'),getDate(),5000.00) Select * from Person Select * from PersonAddress Select * from Donation
Thursday, October 19, 2017
String and file stuff
#List a collection of values under one name def main(): dayNames=["Sun","Mon","Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"] day = int(input(" Enter a number between 1 and 7 ")) dayOfWeek = dayNames[day-1] print(dayOfWeek) main()
Broken into functions
#Same program, but methods #Define array #get input #Do the conversion number to word #output def setDays(): dayNames=["Sun","Mon","Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"] return dayNames def getDay(): day = int(input(" Enter a number between 1 and 7 ")) return day def getDayName(dayNumber): days=setDays() dayOfWeek = days[dayNumber-1] return dayOfWeek def printDay(dayName): print (dayName) def main(): day = getDay() weekDay = getDayName(day) printDay(weekDay) main()
File processing
#Files def main(): fileName=input("Enter File Name") inFile = open(fileName, "a") content = input("Write Something ") print(content, file=inFile) inFile.close() print("********************") inFile = open(fileName,"r") text=inFile.read() print (text) inFile.close() main()
More Strings
#strings def main(): sentence=input("Enter a sentence ") #print(sentence[0]) #for i in range(0, len(sentence)): # print(ord(sentence[i])) #print(chr(962)) #words=sentence.split(",") #for str in words: #print(str.upper()) middle=sentence[5:10] print(middle) main()
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Functions from in class
#simple function #creating a function def cube(): number = int(input("Enter a number ")) myCube=number * number * number print ("the cube is", myCube) def main(): cube()#calling it in main main()
Modified cube functions
#simple functions def getInput(): number = int(input("Enter a number ")) return number def cube(number): myCube = number * number * number return myCube def printCube(myCube): print ("The cube is",myCube) def main(): number=getInput() myCube=cube(number) printCube(myCube) main()
Kilometers conversion program
#conversion to kilometers #get the input in miles #calculation miles * 1.609 #print out results def getMiles(): miles=float(input("enter the miles ")) return miles def convert(m): kilometers=m * 1.609 return kilometers def printKilometers(k): print (k) def main(): mls = getMiles() ks = convert(mls) printKilometers(ks) main()
Word length
main : getTotalWordLength() TotalWordLength: getSentence() splitSentence() calcAverage() printAverage()
#Figure out the average length of a word in a sentence #Get the sentence #split sentence into words #loop through the words and get the lengths #total the lengths #divide the total length by the number of words #print the average def getSentence(): sentence=input("Enter a sentence ") return sentence def splitSentence(): mySentence=getSentence() words=mySentence.split() return words def getTotalWordLength(): words=splitSentence() counter=0 for i in range(0, len(words)): counter += len(words[i]) #counter = counter + len(words[i]) average=calcAverageWordLength(counter, len(words)) return average def calcAverageWordLength(total, sizeOfList): average = total/sizeOfList return average def printAverage(): print("The average word length in your sentence is",getTotalWordLength()) def test(): #print(getSentence()) #sentenceWords=splitSentence() #for i in range(0, len(sentenceWords)): #print(sentenceWords[i]) #print(getTotalWordLength()) print(getTotalWordLength()) #test() def main(): printAverage() main()
Thursday, October 12, 2017
a simple function
#Simple function #define function def cube(): number=int(input("Enter a number")) myCube=number * number * number print (myCube) def main(): cube()#call function main()
A revision of the cube function that takes a parameter
#Simple function #define function def getNumber(): number=int(input("Enter a number ")) cube(number)#call number and pass a value def cube(num): myCube=num * num * num print (myCube) def main(): getNumber()#call function main()
another version with the cube function returning a value
#functions with passing a value #and returning values #define function def getNumber(): number=int(input("Enter a number ")) return number def cube(num): myCube=num * num * num return myCube def printResults(): number=getNumber() print("the cube is",cube(number))#calls cube def main(): printResults() main()
A series of functions with one returning a value.
#using functions # this program uses a function #to gather some text #another to write it to a file #another to read the file #and a main function to call #the functions #steve conger 10/12/2017 # function to get text def getText(): myText=input("enter your text ") return myText #returns the text #to the callling function def writeFile(): text=getText() #calls getText() assigns #returned value #get filename fname=input("enter file name") #open a file for writing outfile=open(fname,"w") #print the text to the file print(text, file=outfile) def readFile(): #gets file name fname=input("enter file name") #opens the file for reading infile=open(fname,"r") #reads what's in the file data = infile.read() #prints output print(data) def main(): writeFile() #calls writeFile() #no need to call getText() because #it is called in writeFile() #this is just for seperation print("**********************") readFile() #call readFile() main()#call main
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
More strings and peer exercise 4
Here are the string practices complete with errors
Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar 21 2017, 17:54:52) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> ======== RESTART: C:/Users/sconger/Documents/Python Programs/vans.py ======== You will need 4 Vans >>> ======== RESTART: C:/Users/sconger/Documents/Python Programs/vans.py ======== You will have 3 full vans You will have one van with 5 Passengers You will need 4 Vans >>> #string is list of characters >>> myString="the quick fox jumped over the lazy brown dog" >>> print(myString[10]) f >>> print(len(myString)) 44 >>> for i range(0,len(myString)-1) SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> for i range (0, len(myString)-1): SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> for i in range (0, len(myString)-1): print(myString[i]) t h e q u i c k f o x j u m p e d o v e r t h e l a z y b r o w n d o >>> for i in range (0, len(myString)): print(myString[i]) t h e q u i c k f o x j u m p e d o v e r t h e l a z y b r o w n d o g >>> print (myString[10,13]) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#12>", line 1, in <module> print (myString[10,13]) TypeError: string indices must be integers >>> print (myString[10:13]) fox >>> wordList = myString.split() >>> for str in wordList: print(str) the quick fox jumped over the lazy brown dog >>> print (len(wordList)) 9 >>> print(wordList[3]) jumped >>> ======== RESTART: C:/Users/sconger/Documents/Python Programs/peer5.py ======== enter a sentenceIt was an existential crises for many the average word is 4.428571428571429 characters long >>> ======== RESTART: C:/Users/sconger/Documents/Python Programs/peer5.py ======== enter a sentence a to the four fives the average word is 3.0 characters long >>>
Here is the peer exercise 5
#peer exercise 5 def main(): mySentence = input("enter a sentence") wordList = mySentence.split() counter=0 for i in range(0,len(wordList)): wordLength=len(wordList[i]) #counter=counter + wordLength counter += wordLength average = counter/len(wordList) print ("the average word is ",average,"characters long") main()
Sunday, October 8, 2017
basic string functions
Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 23 2016, 08:06:12) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> sentence = "This is a string." >>> letter =sentence[3] >>> print (letter) s >>> print(len(sentence)) 17 >>> words=sentence[5:10] >>> print (words) is a >>> wordList=sentence.split() >>> print (wordList[3]) string. >>> print (chr(960)) π >>> print (ord("m")) 109 >>> sentence2 ="This is another sentence" >>> for c in range(0,len(sentence2)): print(sentence2[c]) T h i s i s a n o t h e r s e n t e n c e >>> mylist=["one","Two", "Three", "Four", "Five"] >>> for str in mylist: print(str) one Two Three Four Five
Peer exercise 3
Peer exercise three involved something we haven't covered yet: an if statement. That was my mistake, but I wanted to show you what it would look like."
Here is one way to code that exercise.
# this program uses integer division #to determine how many vans #it will take to transport several people #steven conger 10/8/2017 def main(): passengers=29 vanCapacity=8 print ("For our trip we will have ", passengers, "passengers.") print ("Each van can take", vanCapacity, "of them") vans = passengers // vanCapacity #integer division print (vans, " Will be full.") extra = passengers % vanCapacity #modulus #This part requires and if something we really #haven't covered yet if extra != 0: vans=vans + 1 print ("One van will have ", extra, "passengers") print("You will need ", vans, " vans.") main()
Here is the result screen
>>> == RESTART: C:/Users/steve_conger/OneDrive/Documents/PythonPrograms/vans.py == For our trip we will have 29 passengers. Each van can take 8 of them 3 Will be full. One van will have 5 passengers You will need 4 vans. >>>
Thursday, October 5, 2017
In class code Numbers and graphics
Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar 21 2017, 17:54:52) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> num1=5 >>> num2=7 >>> product = num1 * num2 >>> print (product) 35 >>> #+, -, *, / >>> quotient = 23 / 3 >>> print (quotient) 7.666666666666667 >>> quotient = 23 // 3 >>> print (quotient) 7 >>> remainder=23 % 3 >>> print (remainder) 2 >>> number = eval(input("Enter a number ")) Enter a number 5 >>> square = number * number >>> print (square) 25 >>> number = float(input("Enter a number ")) Enter a number 5 >>> print number SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print' >>> print (number) 5.0 >>> number = int(input("Enter a number " )) Enter a number 5 >>> print(number) 5 >>>
#This program will show #Some of the graphics features #of the graphics libray #Steve 10/5/2017 #import graphics from graphics import * def main(): win=GraphWin ("Drawings",width=500, height=500) p=Point(50,60) p.draw(win) p3=Point(160,90) p3.draw(win) line=Line(p,p3) line.draw(win) center=Point(100,100) circ = Circle(center, 30) circ.setFill("blue") circ.draw(win) p4=Point(20,50) p5=Point(80,150) oval=Oval(p4,p5) oval.draw(win) main()
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Design and Normalization
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