Use CommunityAssist
-- stored procedures
create proc usp_Donations
@PersonKey int
Select DonationKey,
From Donation
Where PersonKey = @PersonKey
exec usp_Donations @PersonKey=3
--add new person
--Get all the parameters for Person,
--personAddress and PersonContact
--Make sure the person is not in the database
--begin a transaction
--Begin a try--
--hash their password
--insert into person
--insert into personAddress --getting the person key
--insert into personContact with key
--commit tran
--or catch the errors and rollaback
Version 1
Create proc usp_AddPerson
@PersonLastName nvarchar(255),
@PersonFirstName nvarchar(255),
@PersonUsername nvarchar(25),
@PersonPlainPassword nvarchar(50),
@Street nvarchar(255),
@Apartment nvarchar(255) = null,
@State nvarchar(2) = 'WA',
@City nvarchar(255) = 'Seattle',
@Zip nvarchar(10),
@HomePhone nvarchar(255) = null,
@WorkPhone nvarchar(255)=null
Declare @Passkey int =dbo.fx_Seed()
Declare @HomePhoneType int =1
Declare @WorkPhoneType int =2
Insert into Person
(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername, PersonPlainPassword,
Personpasskey, PersonEntryDate, PersonUserPassword)
Values(@PersonLastName, @PersonFirstName,
@PersonUsername, @PersonPlainPassword,
@Passkey, GetDate(),dbo.fx_hashPass(@PassKey, @PersonPlainPassword))
Declare @PersonKey int = Ident_Current('Person')
Insert into PersonAddress(Street, Apartment, State, City, Zip, PersonKey)
Values (@Street, @Apartment,@State, @City,@Zip, @PersonKey)
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @HomePhone, @HomePhoneType)
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @WorkPhone, @WorkPhoneType)
exec Usp_AddPerson
@Street='1002 South Somewhere',
Version 2
Alter proc usp_AddPerson
@PersonLastName nvarchar(255),
@PersonFirstName nvarchar(255),
@PersonUsername nvarchar(25),
@PersonPlainPassword nvarchar(50),
@Street nvarchar(255),
@Apartment nvarchar(255) = null,
@State nvarchar(2) = 'WA',
@City nvarchar(255) = 'Seattle',
@Zip nvarchar(10),
@HomePhone nvarchar(255) = null,
@WorkPhone nvarchar(255)=null
--Declare variables
Declare @Passkey int =dbo.fx_Seed()
Declare @HomePhoneType int =6
Declare @WorkPhoneType int =2
Begin Tran --start transaction
Begin try--start Try
--insert into Person
Insert into Person
(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername, PersonPlainPassword,
Personpasskey, PersonEntryDate, PersonUserPassword)
Values(@PersonLastName, @PersonFirstName,
@PersonUsername, @PersonPlainPassword,
@Passkey, GetDate(),dbo.fx_hashPass(@PassKey, @PersonPlainPassword))
--get person key
Declare @PersonKey int = Ident_Current('Person')
--insert int personAddress
Insert into PersonAddress(Street, Apartment, State, City, Zip, PersonKey)
Values (@Street, @Apartment,@State, @City,@Zip, @PersonKey)
--insert home phone
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @HomePhone, @HomePhoneType)
--insert work phone
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @WorkPhone, @WorkPhoneType)
commit tran --all is good write it
End try
Begin catch --if an error will fall here
Rollback Tran--undo the transaction
print 'Transaction rolled back'
print Error_Message();
End Catch
exec Usp_AddPerson
@Street='1004 North Somewhere',
Third Version
Alter proc usp_AddPerson
@PersonLastName nvarchar(255),
@PersonFirstName nvarchar(255),
@PersonUsername nvarchar(25),
@PersonPlainPassword nvarchar(50),
@Street nvarchar(255),
@Apartment nvarchar(255) = null,
@State nvarchar(2) = 'WA',
@City nvarchar(255) = 'Seattle',
@Zip nvarchar(10),
@HomePhone nvarchar(255) = null,
@WorkPhone nvarchar(255)=null
--Declare variables
Declare @Passkey int =dbo.fx_Seed()
Declare @HomePhoneType int =1
Declare @WorkPhoneType int =2
if exists
(Select PersonKey from Person
Where PersonLastName =@PersonLastName
And PersonFirstname=@PersonFirstName
And PersonUserName=@PersonUsername)
Begin --begin if
Print 'Person already exists'
end --end if
Begin--begin else
Begin Tran --start transaction
Begin try--start Try
--insert into Person
Insert into Person
(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername,
Personpasskey, PersonEntryDate, PersonUserPassword)
Values(@PersonLastName, @PersonFirstName,
@PersonUsername, @PersonPlainPassword,
@Passkey, GetDate(),dbo.fx_hashPass(@PassKey, @PersonPlainPassword))
--get person key
Declare @PersonKey int = Ident_Current('Person')
--insert int personAddress
Insert into PersonAddress(Street, Apartment, State, City, Zip, PersonKey)
Values (@Street, @Apartment,@State, @City,@Zip, @PersonKey)
--insert home phone
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @HomePhone, @HomePhoneType)
--insert work phone
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @WorkPhone, @WorkPhoneType)
commit tran --all is good write it
End try
Begin catch --if an error will fall here
Rollback Tran--undo the transaction
print 'Transaction rolled back'
print Error_Message();
End Catch
end --end else
exec Usp_AddPerson
@Street='1004 North Somewhere',