Monday, February 29, 2016


Here are the somewhat fragmentary notes from our discussion on Security

Prevent Damage to Database
malicious attacks--
Accidents -- update table
Authentication--password username, windows

There are two basic kinds of Authentication

Windows, mapping windows user accounts to SQl Server
Sql Server Authentication-- a password and user name

2 step authentication, biometrics, voice, facial
Certificates Encryption

Authorization--What permissions do you have

Select read
update--write change
Delete remove data
execute run procedures
create--create database objects
Alter --modify database objects
Drop--remove database object

Actors--who is going use the database

Actor  Fan
Tables Select Insert Update Delete Notes
Venue   X   
Artist  X
Fan     x        x     x           Update own records

Here is the code for creating a login, a user, a role, granting permissions to the role, and adding the user to the role

Grant create Table  to DonorRole 

Create Login George with password='Pass'
Use CommunityAssist
Create User George for login George

Create Role ClientRole

Grant select, insert on ServiceGrant to ClientRole
Grant Select on CommunityService to ClientRole

exec sp_addrolemember Clientrole, George

Thursday, February 25, 2016


--stored procedure triggered by an event
--insert, update, delete
--for, after, instead of
-- for and after let the event happen and then
--execute the trigger code
--instead of intercepts the event and does
--the trigger code instead of the event
Create trigger tr_BigDonation on Donation
for insert 
if not exists
  (Select name from Sys.Tables
  Where name='BigDonations')
Create table BigDonations
 DonationKey int, 
 DonationDate DateTime, 
 DonationAmount money, 
 PersonKey int
Declare @DonationAmount money
Declare @Threshold money =500
Select @DonationAmount = DonationAmount
From Inserted
if @DonationAmount >= @Threshold
Insert into BigDonations(DonationKey,DonationDate,DonationAmount,
Select DonationKey, DonationDate, DonationAmount,
PersonKey from Inserted

Select * from Person
Insert into Donation(DonationDate, DonationAmount, PersonKey)
Values(GetDate(), 550.75, 136)

Select * from Donation
Select * from BigDonations
--Here is an alternate, more efficent version of that trigger
Create trigger tr_BigDonation on Donation
for insert 
--declare variables
Declare @DonationAmount money
Declare @Threshold money =500
--get value from temporary Inserted table
Select @DonationAmount = DonationAmount
From Inserted
--if the donation amount is 500 or above
if @DonationAmount >= @Threshold
Begin --outer if
if not exists
  (Select name from Sys.Tables
  Where name='BigDonations')
Begin--inner if
Create table BigDonations
 DonationKey int, 
 DonationDate DateTime, 
 DonationAmount money, 
 PersonKey int
End --end inner if
Insert into BigDonations(DonationKey,DonationDate,DonationAmount,
Select DonationKey, DonationDate, DonationAmount,
PersonKey from Inserted
End --end outer if


Alter trigger tr_NoDelete on Donation
instead of Delete, update
  if not exists
     (Select name from Sys.Tables
      Where name='DeletedDonations')
   --if not create it
           Create table DeletedDonations
           DonationKey int, 
           DonationDate DateTime, 
           DonationAmount money, 
           PersonKey int
   Insert into DeletedDonations         (DonationKey,DonationDate, 
   DonationAmount, PersonKey)
 Select DonationKey, DonationDate, DonationAmount,
 PersonKey from Deleted

Delete from Donation where donationKey=47

Select * From Donation

Select * From DeletedDonations
--disable trigger to allow deletions
Disable trigger tr_NoDelete on Donation
--re enable trigger
enable Trigger tr_NoDelete on Donation

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Stored Procedures

Use CommunityAssist
-- stored procedures
create proc usp_Donations
@PersonKey int
Select DonationKey, 
From Donation
Where PersonKey = @PersonKey 

exec usp_Donations @PersonKey=3

--add new person
--Get all the parameters for Person,
--personAddress and PersonContact
--Make sure the person is not in the database
--begin a transaction
--Begin a try--
--hash their password
--insert into person
--insert into personAddress --getting the person key
--insert into personContact with key
--commit tran
--or catch the errors and rollaback

Version 1

Create proc usp_AddPerson
@PersonLastName nvarchar(255), 
@PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), 
@PersonUsername nvarchar(25), 
@PersonPlainPassword nvarchar(50), 
@Street nvarchar(255), 
@Apartment nvarchar(255) = null, 
@State nvarchar(2) = 'WA', 
@City nvarchar(255) = 'Seattle', 
@Zip nvarchar(10), 
@HomePhone nvarchar(255) = null,
@WorkPhone nvarchar(255)=null
Declare @Passkey int =dbo.fx_Seed()
Declare @HomePhoneType int =1
Declare @WorkPhoneType int =2
Insert into Person
(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername, PersonPlainPassword, 
Personpasskey, PersonEntryDate, PersonUserPassword)
Values(@PersonLastName, @PersonFirstName,
@PersonUsername, @PersonPlainPassword,
@Passkey, GetDate(),dbo.fx_hashPass(@PassKey, @PersonPlainPassword))
Declare @PersonKey int = Ident_Current('Person')
Insert into PersonAddress(Street, Apartment, State, City, Zip, PersonKey)
Values (@Street, @Apartment,@State, @City,@Zip, @PersonKey)
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @HomePhone, @HomePhoneType)
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @WorkPhone, @WorkPhoneType)

exec Usp_AddPerson
@Street='1002 South Somewhere', 

Version 2

 Alter proc usp_AddPerson
@PersonLastName nvarchar(255), 
@PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), 
@PersonUsername nvarchar(25), 
@PersonPlainPassword nvarchar(50), 
@Street nvarchar(255), 
@Apartment nvarchar(255) = null, 
@State nvarchar(2) = 'WA', 
@City nvarchar(255) = 'Seattle', 
@Zip nvarchar(10), 
@HomePhone nvarchar(255) = null,
@WorkPhone nvarchar(255)=null
--Declare variables
Declare @Passkey int =dbo.fx_Seed()
Declare @HomePhoneType int =6
Declare @WorkPhoneType int =2
Begin Tran --start transaction
Begin try--start Try
--insert into Person
Insert into Person
(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername, PersonPlainPassword, 
Personpasskey, PersonEntryDate, PersonUserPassword)
Values(@PersonLastName, @PersonFirstName,
@PersonUsername, @PersonPlainPassword,
@Passkey, GetDate(),dbo.fx_hashPass(@PassKey, @PersonPlainPassword))
--get person key
Declare @PersonKey int = Ident_Current('Person')
--insert int personAddress
Insert into PersonAddress(Street, Apartment, State, City, Zip, PersonKey)
Values (@Street, @Apartment,@State, @City,@Zip, @PersonKey)
--insert home phone
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @HomePhone, @HomePhoneType)
--insert work phone
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @WorkPhone, @WorkPhoneType)
commit tran --all is good write it
End try
Begin catch --if an error will fall here
Rollback Tran--undo the transaction
print 'Transaction rolled back'
print Error_Message();
End Catch

exec Usp_AddPerson
@Street='1004 North Somewhere', 

Third Version

  Alter proc usp_AddPerson
@PersonLastName nvarchar(255), 
@PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), 
@PersonUsername nvarchar(25), 
@PersonPlainPassword nvarchar(50), 
@Street nvarchar(255), 
@Apartment nvarchar(255) = null, 
@State nvarchar(2) = 'WA', 
@City nvarchar(255) = 'Seattle', 
@Zip nvarchar(10), 
@HomePhone nvarchar(255) = null,
@WorkPhone nvarchar(255)=null
--Declare variables
Declare @Passkey int =dbo.fx_Seed()
Declare @HomePhoneType int =1
Declare @WorkPhoneType int =2
if exists
 (Select PersonKey from Person
 Where PersonLastName =@PersonLastName
 And PersonFirstname=@PersonFirstName
 And PersonUserName=@PersonUsername)
Begin --begin if
Print 'Person already exists'
end --end if
Begin--begin else
Begin Tran --start transaction
Begin try--start Try
--insert into Person
Insert into Person
(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername, 
Personpasskey, PersonEntryDate, PersonUserPassword)
Values(@PersonLastName, @PersonFirstName,
@PersonUsername, @PersonPlainPassword,
@Passkey, GetDate(),dbo.fx_hashPass(@PassKey, @PersonPlainPassword))
--get person key
Declare @PersonKey int = Ident_Current('Person')
--insert int personAddress
Insert into PersonAddress(Street, Apartment, State, City, Zip, PersonKey)
Values (@Street, @Apartment,@State, @City,@Zip, @PersonKey)
--insert home phone
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @HomePhone, @HomePhoneType)
--insert work phone
Insert into PersonContact(PersonKey, ContactInfo, ContactTypeKey)
Values(@PersonKey, @WorkPhone, @WorkPhoneType)
commit tran --all is good write it
End try
Begin catch --if an error will fall here
Rollback Tran--undo the transaction
print 'Transaction rolled back'
print Error_Message();
End Catch
end --end else

exec Usp_AddPerson
@Street='1004 North Somewhere', 

Monday, February 22, 2016

ERD Individual Assignment 2 Diagrams

Recipe Ingredient Entities

Student Course Entities

Dentist office Entities

Thursday, February 18, 2016


--temp tables
use CommunityAssist

--this creates a temp table that is isolated
--to a single session 
Create table #ZPeople
    FirstName nvarchar(255),
 Lastname nvarchar(255)


Insert into #ZPeople(Firstname, Lastname)
Select PersonFirstName, PersonLastName
From Person
Where PersonLastName like 'Z%'

Select * From #ZPeople

--this creates a global temporary table
--that crosses sessions
Create table ##ZPeople
    FirstName nvarchar(255),
 Lastname nvarchar(255)


Insert into ##ZPeople(Firstname, Lastname)
Select PersonFirstName, PersonLastName
From Person
Where PersonLastName like 'Z%'


--a simple function
create function fx_cube
(@number int) --parameters to be passed in
returns int --return type
Begin --start blocl
Declare @cube int --declare a varible
Set @Cube = @number * @number * @number
--return the value
return @Cube
End; --end function block
--use function
Select dbo.fx_Cube(2)

--get a random seed
Create Function fx_Seed
returns int
Declare @Time DateTime = GetDate();
Declare @Mille int = Datepart(MILLISECOND, @Time)
Return @Mille

Select dbo.fx_Seed()
--this function hashes a password
Create function fx_hashPass
(@Seed int, @Password nvarchar(50))
Returns Varbinary(500)
Declare @SeedChar nvarchar(4) = Cast(@seed as nvarchar(4))
Declare @CharToHash nvarchar(54) = @SeedChar+@Password
Declare @Hash varbinary(500)
set @Hash=hashbytes('sha2_512', @CharToHash)
return @Hash
Select dbo.fx_HashPass(dbo.fx_Seed(), 'P@ssw0rd1')
Select dbo.fx_HashPass(dbo.fx_Seed(), 'P@ssw0rd1')

--this sees if the passwords match 
Create function fx_Login
(@userName nvarchar(255) ,@password nvarchar(50))
returns int
Declare @seed int
Declare @DBHash varbinary(500)
Declare @Key int
--select values from the database
--and assign them to the variables
Select @key=PersonKey,@seed = PersonPassKey, @DBHash=PersonUserPassword       from Person
 Where PersonUsername=@UserName
 --concatinate the seed and password
Declare @Concat nvarchar(54)=Cast(@seed as nvarchar(4)) + @Password
Declare @NewHash varbinary(500)= hashbytes('Sha2_512',@Concat)
--see if they match
if Not @DBHash=@NewHash
--if not then just return 0
Set @key = 0
Return @Key

--test functions and login
Insert into person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername, PersonPlainPassword, Personpasskey, PersonEntryDate, PersonUserPassword)
Values ('Smith', 'Bob', '', 'BobPass',
dbo.fx_Seed(), GetDate(), 
dbo.fx_hashPass(dbo.fx_Seed(), 'BobPass'))

Select * From Person

Select dbo.fx_Login('','BobPass')

USE [CommunityAssist]

/****** Object:  UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fx_MedianAvg]    Script Date: 2/18/2016 11:32:43 AM ******/

--this function returns a median average
Create Function [dbo].[fx_MedianAvg]
(@Max decimal(16,4), @Min Decimal(16,4))
returns decimal(16,4)
Declare @Range decimal(16,4)
Declare @Median Decimal(16,4)
Select @Range= @Max-@min
Set @Median = @Range /2
Return @Median

Select Avg(GrantAllocation) from Servicegrant
Select dbo.fx_MedianAvg(max(GrantAllocation),min(GrantAllocation))
From ServiceGrant

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


This includes SQL 1

--set the database context
Use CommunityAssist

/*Over view or SQL commands
Part 1 */

--basic statement [Select columns from Table name]
--the * is a wild card for all
Select * from Person;

Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName,
From Person;

--alias column names, the 'as'  keyword is optional
Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person;

--Order by sorts a result set
Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person
Order by PersonLastName

--Order by Desc

Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person
Order by [Last Name] Desc, PersonFirstName Desc

--where clause limits the rows to those that match the criteria
Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person 
where PersonLastName ='Tanner'
Order by [Last Name] Desc

Select * From ServiceGrant
Where GrantAmount > 500

Select * from ServiceGrant where GrantDate>'8/9/2013'

Select * From ServiceGrant where GrantDate 
Between '9/1/2013' and '10/1/2013'

--you can calculate
Select 50 * ((23/2.0 )+ 27) - 3

--The LIKE keyword lets you search for patterns 
--in this case everybody whose name begins with 'AND.'
--the % is a wildcard for any number of characters
Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person 
where PersonLastName Like 'A%'

--nulls cannot be = to anything you search for nulls
--with the IS keyword
Select * From PersonAddress
Where Apartment is null

--is not null
Select * From PersonAddress
Where Apartment is not null

Select * from ServiceGrant

--date Functions
Select Distinct Year(GrantDate) From ServiceGrant
Select Distinct Month(GrantDate) From ServiceGrant
Select Distinct Day(GrantDate) From ServiceGrant

Select Cast(Day(GrantDate)as varchar(2))+ '/' 
+ cast(Month(GrantDate) as varchar(2)) + '/' 
+ cast(Year(GrantDate)as varchar(4)) as Year 
From ServiceGrant

Select GrantDate From ServiceGrant

--the datediff function subtracts on date from another in the specified units 
--dd is days, yy years, mm months
Select GrantReviewDate, GrantDate, DateDiff(dd,GrantDate,GrantReviewDate) as [Days before Review]
From ServiceGrant
Where DateDiff(dd,GrantDate,GrantReviewDate) > 2

--aggregate functions are functions that work
--on sets of rows at a time
Select format(Sum(GrantAllocation),'$#,###.00') as total from ServiceGrant 
Select Avg(GrantAllocation)as total from ServiceGrant 

Select Count(GrantAllocation)as total from ServiceGrant 
Where GrantAllocation > 500

Select Max(GrantAllocation)as total from ServiceGrant 
Select Min(GrantAllocation)as total from ServiceGrant 

--when mixing aggregate functions such as sum
--with non-aggregate functions or fields like Month(GrantDate)
--you have to GROUP BY all the non-aggregate values
Select Month(GrantDate) as [Month], Sum(GrantAllocation) as total
From ServiceGrant
Group by Month(GrantDate)

--having works like a where by you use it when you have
--an aggregate function in the criteria
Select ServiceKey, Sum(GrantAllocation)
From ServiceGrant
Group by ServiceKey
 Having sum(GrantAllocation) > 2000

--inner join joins two tables. the keyword INNER is optional
Select ServiceName, Sum(GrantAllocation) as Total
From ServiceGrant
inner join CommunityService
on ServiceGrant.ServiceKey=CommunityService.ServiceKey
Group by ServiceName

--another inner join
Select p.PersonKey,PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, Street, City,[State],zip
From Person as p
join PersonAddress as pa
on p.PersonKey=pa.PersonKey

Select * From ServiceGrant

--joining multiple tables
--the person table is joined twice
--once for the client and once for the employee
Select GrantAmount, GrantDate, p.PersonLastName as Client, ServiceName, p2.PersonLastName as EmployeeName, GrantAmount
From Person as p
join ServiceGrant as sg
on p.PersonKey=sg.PersonKey
join CommunityService as cs
on cs.ServiceKey=sg.ServiceKey
join Employee as e
on e.EmployeeKey=sg.EmployeeKey
inner join person p2
on p2.PersonKey = e.PersonKey

--Data Manipulation queries
Insert into Person ( PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername)

Select * from Person

Create Table PeopleTemp
 PersonKey int,
 PersonLastName nvarchar(255),
 PersonFirstName nvarchar(255)

Insert into PeopleTemp(personKey, PersonLastName, PersonFirstName)
Select PersonKey PersonLastName, PersonFIrstName
From Person

Select * from PeopleTemp

Insert into Person ( PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername)
Values('Lawrence', 'Ahab', 'Alaw')
Insert into PersonAddress([Street],[City],[Zip], PersonKey)
Values('1001 Westlake','Seattle','98001', ident_current('Person'))

Select * from Person
Select * From PersonAddress

update peopleTemp
Set PersonLastName= 'Smith'

Update Person
Set PersonLastName='Alberts',
where PersonKey=1

Begin Tran

Rollback Tran
commit tran

Delete From Person Where Personkey =1

Drop table PeopleTemp

Select * from Person

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Set operators, Windows Functions, Data Modification

--Set operators
--Data manipulation
-- Windows Functions
-- union Intersect Except

use CommunityAssist
Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName,
From Person p
join Employee  e on p.PersonKey=e. PersonKey
Select EmployeeLastName, EmployeeFirstName, 
From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee
use MetroAlt
Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName,
From CommunityAssist.dbo.Person p
join CommunityAssist.dbo.Employee  e on p.PersonKey=e. PersonKey
Union All
Select EmployeeLastName, EmployeeFirstName, 
From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee

Select City from PersonAddress
Select EmployeeCity from MetroAlt.dbo.Employee

Select City from PersonAddress
Select EmployeeCity from MetroAlt.dbo.Employee

Select EmployeeCity from MetroAlt.dbo.Employee
Select City from PersonAddress

--ranking functions
Select GrantKey, ServiceKey, GrantAllocation,
Row_Number() over (Order by GrantAllocation desc) as RowNumber,
Rank() over (Order by GrantAllocation desc) as [Rank],
Dense_Rank() over (Order by GrantAllocation desc) as [DenseRank],
NTILE(10) over (Order by GrantAllocation desc) as [NTILE]
From ServiceGrant
Order by GrantAllocation desc

--windows partition functions
Select Grantkey, ServiceKey, GrantAllocation,
Sum(GrantAllocation) over () as TotalAllocations,
Sum(GrantAllocation) over(Partition by ServiceKey) as PerService
From ServiceGrant
order by GrantAllocation Desc

Select EmployeeKey, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
From (Select EmployeeKey,  ServiceKey, GrantKey From
dbo.ServiceGrant) as a
pivot (Count(GrantKey) for ServiceKey in ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10])) as b

-- modifying data

Insert into Person  (PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonUsername, PersonPlainPassword, Personpasskey, PersonEntryDate, PersonUserPassword)
Values('Alberts','Larry','',null, 12345678,
GetDate(), dbo.fx_HashPassword('AlbertPass')),
('Able','Luke','',null, 12345678,
GetDate(), dbo.fx_HashPassword('AblePass'))

Select * from Person order by PersonLastName

Begin tran
Update Person 
Set PersonFirstName = 'Jason',
Where Personkey=1
Commit Tran
Rollback tran

Delete from Person where Personkey =1
 Begin Tran
 Truncate Table GrantReview

 Select * From GrantReview

 Rollback Tran

 Insert into person(personLastname, PersonFirstName)
 Values('Lucas', 'George')
 Insert into Donation(DonationDate, DonationAmount, PersonKey)
 Values(GetDate(), 1500,Ident_Current('Person'));

 Select * from Person
 Select * From Donation

Monday, February 8, 2016

SQL Part One

--set the database context
Use CommunityAssist

/*Over view or SQL commands
Part 1 */

--basic statement [Select columns from Table name]
--the * is a wild card for all
Select * from Person

Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName,
From Person;

--alias column names, the 'as'  keyword is optional
Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person;

--Order by sorts a result set
Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person
Order by PersonLastName

--Order by Desc

Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person
Order by [Last Name] Desc

--where clause limits the rows to those that match the criteria
Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person 
where PersonLastName ='Anderson'
Order by [Last Name] Desc

--you can calculate
Select 50 * ((23/2.0 )+ 27) - 3

--The LIKE keyword lets you search for patterns 
--in this case everybody whose name begins with 'AND.'
--the % is a wildcard for any number of characters
Select PersonLastName as [Last Name], PersonFirstName as [First Name],
PersonUserName as [User Name]
From Person 
where PersonLastName Like 'And%'

--nulls cannot be = to anything you search for nulls
--with the IS keyword
Select * From PersonAddress
Where Apartment is null

--is not null
Select * From PersonAddress
Where Apartment is not null

Select * from ServiceGrant

--date Functions
Select Distinct Year(GrantDate) From ServiceGrant
Select Distinct Month(GrantDate) From ServiceGrant
Select Distinct Day(GrantDate) From ServiceGrant

--the datediff function subtracts on date from another in the specified units 
--dd is days, yy years, mm months
Select GrantReviewDate, GrantDate, DateDiff(dd,GrantDate,GrantReviewDate) as [Days before Review]
From ServiceGrant
Where DateDiff(dd,GrantDate,GrantReviewDate) > 2

--aggregate functions are functions that work
--on sets of rows at a time
Select format(Sum(GrantAllocation),'$#,###.00') as total from ServiceGrant 
Select Avg(GrantAllocation)as total from ServiceGrant 

Select Count(GrantAllocation)as total from ServiceGrant 
Where GrantAllocation > 500

Select Max(GrantAllocation)as total from ServiceGrant 
Select Min(GrantAllocation)as total from ServiceGrant 

--when mixing aggregate functions such as sum
--with non-aggregate functions or fields like Month(GrantDate)
--you have to GROUP BY all the non-aggregate values
Select Month(GrantDate) as [Month], Sum(GrantAllocation) as total
From ServiceGrant
Group by Month(GrantDate)

--having works like a where by you use it when you have
--an aggregate function in the criteria
Select ServiceKey, Sum(GrantAllocation)
From ServiceGrant
Group by ServiceKey
Having sum(GrantAllocation) > 2000

--inner join joins two tables. the keyword INNER is optional
Select ServiceName, Sum(GrantAllocation) as Total
From ServiceGrant
inner join CommunityService
on ServiceGrant.ServiceKey=CommunityService.ServiceKey
Group by ServiceName

--another inner join
Select p.PersonKey,PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, Street, City,[State],zip
From Person as p
join PersonAddress as pa
on p.PersonKey=pa.PersonKey

Select * From ServiceGrant

--joining multiple tables
--the person table is joined twice
--once for the client and once for the employee
Select GrantAmount, GrantDate, p.PersonLastName as Client, ServiceName, p2.PersonLastName as EmployeeName, GrantAmount
From Person p
join ServiceGrant sg
on p.PersonKey=sg.PersonKey
join CommunityService cs
on cs.ServiceKey=sg.ServiceKey
join Employee e
on e.EmployeeKey=sg.EmployeeKey
inner join person p2
on p2.PersonKey = e.PersonKey

Login Service Code

Here is the Interface

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;

// NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the interface name "IbookReviewLoginService" in both code and config file together.
public interface IbookReviewLoginService
    int ReviewerLogin(string password, string username);

    int ReviewerRegistration(ReviewerLite r);

public class ReviewerLite
    public string LastName { set; get; }

    public string FirstName { set; get; }

    public string UserName { set; get; }

    public string Password { set; get; }
    public string Email { set; get; }

Here is the service itself

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;

// NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the class name "bookReviewLoginService" in code, svc and config file together.
public class bookReviewLoginService : IbookReviewLoginService
    BookReviewDbEntities db = new BookReviewDbEntities();
    public int ReviewerLogin(string password, string username)
        int result = db.usp_ReviewerLogin(username, password);
        if(result !=-1)
            var key = from k in db.Reviewers
                      where k.ReviewerUserName.Equals(username)
                      select new { k.ReviewerKey };
             foreach(var k in key)
        return result;

    public int ReviewerRegistration(ReviewerLite r)
        int result = db.usp_NewReviewer(r.UserName, r.FirstName, r.LastName, r.Email, r.Password);

        return result;

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Table Expressions part 2

use MetroAlt
--the correlated subquery from the assignment
Select PositionKey, EmployeeKey, EmployeeHourlyPayRate
From EmployeePosition ep1
where EmployeeHourlyPayRate =
(Select Max(EmployeeHourlyPayRate) 
From EmployeePosition ep2
Where ep1.PositionKey=ep2.PositionKey)

--just a subquery that select the max
--for one position
Select employeeKey, PositionKey, EmployeeHourlypayRate from EmployeePosition
Where  Positionkey=1 
And EmployeeHourlypayRate = 
(Select Max(EmployeeHourlyPayrate) from EmployeePosition where PositionKey = 1)

--Table Expressions

Use communityAssist
GO --seperates batches

--a view is a stored query that offers a
--"view" of the data
Create view vw_HREmployees
Select PersonLastName [Last Name],
PersonFirstname [First Name],
PersonUserName Email,
[ContactInfo] Phone,
[ContactTypeName] [Contact Type],[EmployeeHireDate]  [Hire Date],[EmployeeSSNumber] SSNumber,
[EmployeeMonthlySalary] [Monthly Salary]
From person p
inner join PersonAddress pa
on p.PersonKey=pa.PersonKey
inner join PersonContact pc
on pc.PersonKey =p.PersonKey
inner join Employee e
on e.PersonKey=p.PersonKey
inner join ContactType ct
on ct.ContactTypeKey = pc.ContactTypeKey

--using the view
--order by is not allowed in a view but
--you can use it in the select when calling
--the view
Select * from vw_HREmployees
order by [Last Name]

--changing the view to add schemabinding
--schema binding prevents a user from
--changing the underlying tables on which
--the view depends
Alter view vw_HREmployees with schemabinding
Select PersonLastName [Last Name],
PersonFirstname [First Name],
PersonUserName Email,
[ContactInfo] Phone,
[ContactTypeName] [Contact Type],[EmployeeHireDate]  [Hire Date],[EmployeeSSNumber] SSNumber,
[EmployeeMonthlySalary] [Monthly Salary]
From dbo.person p
inner join dbo.PersonAddress pa
on p.PersonKey=pa.PersonKey
inner join dbo.PersonContact pc
on pc.PersonKey =p.PersonKey
inner join dbo.Employee e
on e.PersonKey=p.PersonKey
inner join dbo.ContactType ct
on ct.ContactTypeKey = pc.ContactTypeKey

Begin tran --begin transaction
--this attempted alteration results in an error
--becase the view depends on this table and
Alter Table Employee
Drop Column EmployeeSSNumber
Rollback tran --not necessary because nothing
--happened but need to end the tran

--create a schema (ownership)
Create Schema EmployeeSchema

--fully qualified path

--create a view owned by the schema
Create view EmployeeSchema.vw_HireDates
Select * From Employee

--create a table valued function
Create function fx_Employee
(@EmployeeKey int) --parameter
returns table --return type
Select GrantKey, PersonKey, 
GrantNeedExplanation, GrantReviewDate,
GrantApprovalStatus, GrantAllocation
From ServiceGrant
Where EmployeeKey = @EmployeeKey
--using the function 4 is an employeeKey
Select * from dbo.fx_Employee(4)

--cross apply
Select distinct a.ServiceKey, c.GrantAllocation
From dbo.ServiceGrant as a
Cross Apply
(Select serviceKey, grantAllocation, GrantKey
From ServiceGrant b
Where b.ServiceKey=a.ServiceKey
Order by GrantAllocation desc, serviceKey desc
Offset 0 rows Fetch First 3 rows only) as c