Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gas Mileage with Methods(Morning)

Here is the program in Main

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace GasMileageCalculator
    class Program
         * this program will calculate
         * miles per gallon given 
         * an input of mile and gallons
         * ***************/
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //program variables
            double miles;
            double gallons;
            double mpg;
            bool goodMiles;
            bool goodGallons;

            //we use a do loop and a try parse to make sure the entry is
            //in the correct format
                Console.WriteLine("How many miles were traveled");
                //the try parse returns a bool true or false
                //if good it assigns the result to the out parameter miles
                //if false it assigns 0 to miles
                goodMiles = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out miles);
                if (!goodMiles)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a valid mileage as numbers");
                }//end if

            } while (!goodMiles); //end do


                Console.WriteLine("How many Gallons");
                goodGallons = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out gallons);
                if (!goodGallons)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a valid  number for Gallons");
                } //end if

            } while (!goodGallons); //end do

            mpg = miles / gallons;

            Console.WriteLine("You got {0:F2} miles per gallon", mpg);
            //Console.WriteLine("You got " + mpg.ToString("#0.00") + " miles per gallon");
            //Math.Round(mpg, 2);

        }//end main
    }//end class
}//end namespace

Here is the program with methods

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace GasMileageMethods
    class Program
        /// this program calculates miles but
        /// breaks it into methods
        /// GetMiles() prompts the user for miles
        /// GetGallons() prompts the user for gallons
        /// CalculateMPG() calcualtes the miles per gallon
        /// Display(double mileage) displays the results
        /// the mileage is passed to display as a
        /// parameter from CalculateMPG()
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //load the program class into memory
            Program p = new Program();
            //call the Method to calculate the mpg
            //call the end program method

        /// this method prompts the user for miles
        /// it uses a try parse and a do loop
        /// to check if its a valid entry
        /// miles
        private double GetMiles()
            double miles;
            bool goodMiles;
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the miles traveled");
                goodMiles = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out miles);
                if (!goodMiles)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a valid number for miles");
                }//end if
            } while (!goodMiles);//end while

            return miles;
        }//end GetMiles

        /// This method prompts the use for Gallons 
        /// and uses a try parse and a do loop to check
        /// for the validy of the answer
        /// gallons
        private double GetGallons()
            double gallons;
            bool goodGallons;
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the Gallons used");
                goodGallons = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out gallons);
                if (!goodGallons)
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a valid number for Gallons");
                }//end if
            } while (!goodGallons);//end while

            return gallons;
        }//end GetGallons

        /// the calculate method calls the GetMiles()
        /// and the GetGallons() method to  get
        /// the values and then calculated the miles 
        /// per gallon. It passes the variable storing the
        /// result to the 
        private void CalculateMPG()
            double distance = GetMiles();
            double gas = GetGallons();
            double mpg = distance / gas;
            //double mpg=GetMiles()/GetGallons();
        }//end CalculateMPG

        private void Display(double mileage)
            Console.WriteLine("You mileage is " + mileage.ToString("F2"));
        }//end Display

        private void EndProgram()
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

    }//end class

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