Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Here are a couple of examples of use case written documentation. These are from a program and database I wrote to track short term certificates

Here is the use Case diagram. The documentation is below:

Enter Certificate Information Use Case


First use of database-- adding new Certificate


1. Enter Certificates into database (through Form)

2. Enter Courses required for certificate

a. Select course from course table

b. add foreign key to Certificate Course table

3. Review and confirm

Terminal Condition:

List of certificates with required courses in database

List Students Getting Certificates Use Case


Students and grades imported into database


Quarterly Report on Certificate completions


Must have a 2.0 or greater grade point average (or cert specific average)


1. Run query for each which students have taken all the courses for one certificate (Each certificate will have to be queries separately)

2. Average the grades of all the students who have completed the certificate

3. Select only those who have an average greater than 2.0

4. Write them into a Certificates received (or temp?) table

5. Run the queries again for each possible certificate

6. Summarize the results of all queries in a report (from the Certificates Received table)

Terminal Condition:

Quarterly report of Certificates completed for given quarter

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