--functions Create or replace function myCube(num Integer) Returns integer As $$ Begin RETURN num * num * num; End; $$ language plpgsql; Select myCube(5); create or replace function employeeschema.donationpercentages (amount numeric, percentage numeric) Returns numeric AS $$ Begin --semicolons required Return amount * percentage; End; $$ language plpgsql; select donationkey, donationamount, employeeschema.donationpercentages(donationamount, .76)"to charity" From donation; select donationkey, donationamount, employeeschema.donationpercentages(donationamount, 76)"to charity" From donation; create orreplace function employeeschema.donationpercentages (amount numeric, percentage numeric) Returns numeric AS $$ Begin if percentage > 1 Then percentage = percentage/100; end if; --semicolons required Return round((amount * percentage),2); End; $$ language plpgsql; Create or replace function makeusername(firstname text, lastname text) returns text AS $$ Begin Return Lower(substring(firstname,1,1)|| lastname); end; $$ language plpgsql; Select personfirstname, personlastname, makeusername(personfirstname, personlastname) as username From person; create schema donorschema; Create or replace function donorschema.getdonations (donorkey integer) Returns table ( "Date" timestamp, amount numeric, validation UUID ) AS $$ BEGIN Return query Select donationdate, donationamount, donationvalidation From donation Where personkey=donorkey; End; $$ language plpgsql; Select * from donation; Select * from donorschema.getdonations(6); Alter table person add personannouncements boolean default true; Create or replace function addperson ( firstname text, lastname text, email text, phone text, announce boolean, apartment text, street text, city text, "state" char(2), zipcode char(11), passwd varchar(50) ) returns void as $$ Insert into person( personfirstname, personlastname, personemail, personprimaryphone, persondateadded, personannouncements) values(firstname, lastname, email, phone, current_timestamp, announce); Insert into personaddress(personkey, personaddressstreet, personaddresscity, personaddressstate, personaddresszipcode, personaddressapt) values(currval('person_personkey_seq'), street, city, "state",zipcode, apartment); Insert into logintable(personkey, personusername, personpassword) Values(currval('person_personkey_seq'), makeusername(firstname, lastname), createpassword(passwd)); $$ language sql; Select addperson('Joseph,','Rogers', 'jrogers@gmail.com', '2065552345', True, '641', '222 8th avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '98100', 'RogersPass'); Select * from person where personkey =138 Select * from personaddress where personkey=138; Select * from logintable where personkey=138; Create or replace function updateperson ( pkey integer, firstname text, lastname text, email text, phone text, announce boolean, apartment text, street text, city text, "state" char(2), zipcode char(11) ) returns void as $$ Update person set personlastname=lastname, personfirstname=firstname, personemail=email, personprimaryphone=phone, personannouncements=announce Where personkey=pkey; update personaddress Set personaddressstreet=street, personaddresscity=city, personaddressstate="state", personaddresszipcode=zipcode, personaddressapt=apartment where personkey = pkey; $$ language sql; Select updateperson(138,'Joseph,','Rogers', 'jrogers@gmail.com', '2065552345', False, '641', '222 8th avenue', 'Bellevue', 'WA', '98100'); alter table grantapplication add isflagged boolean default False; Create or replace function flagrequest() Returns trigger as $Body$ Begin If NEW.grantapplicationamount > (Select granttypeonetimemax from granttype where granttypekey = new.granttypekey) Then Update grantapplication Set isflagged =True where grantapplicationkey=new.grantapplicationkey; end if; Return new; End; $Body$ language plpgsql; Create trigger flag_over_amounts After Insert on grantapplication For each row Execute procedure flagrequest(); Insert into grantapplication(Grantapplicationdate, personkey, granttypekey, grantapplicationamount, grantapplicationexplain) values(current_timestamp, 138, 1, 150.00, 'hungry'); Select * from grantapplication where grantapplicationkey = (select max(grantapplicationkey) from grantapplication);
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Functions and triggers
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Views and misc
Create schema employeeSchema; Create view employeeschema.Employeeview As Select employeekey, personfirstname firstname, personlastname lastname, personemail email, positionname, employeepositionstartdate startdate From employee inner join Person using(personkey) inner join employeeposition using(employeekey) inner join jobposition using (positionkey); Select * From employeeschema.employeeview; Select personfirstname, personlastname from employeeschema.employeeview; Select firstname, lastname from employeeschema.employeeview; --updateable --if there are no joins, no calculated fields, Create view employeeschema.emailview As Select personlastname, personfirstname, personemail From person; Create or replace view employeeschema.emailview As Select personlastname, personfirstname, personemail, persondateadded From person Where personlastname like 'J%' with check option; Select * from employeeschema.emailview; Select * from person where personkey=(select max(personkey)from person); Update employeeschema.emailview Set personfirstname='Jason' where personemail='jAnderson@gmail.com'; Insert into employeeschema.emailview(personlastname, personfirstname, personemail, persondateadded) values('Brown','Nelson', 'nb@hotmail.com', current_timestamp); Create materialized view employeeschema.grantview As Select Grantapplicationkey, grantapplicationdate, granttypename, personlastname, grantapplicationamount From person join grantapplication using (personkey) join granttype using (granttypekey); Select * from employeeschema.grantview where grantapplicationkey = (Select max(grantapplicationkey) from grantapplication); Insert into grantapplication(grantapplicationdate, granttypekey, personkey, grantapplicationamount, grantapplicationexplain ) values (current_timestamp, 1, 50, 400.00, 'lunch time'); refresh materialized view employeeschema.grantview;
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
SELECT * FROM pythonclub3.officer; Use Sakila; Select * from Actor; Select first_name, last_name, title, description From actor inner join film_actor using(actor_id) inner Join Film using(film_id) Where last_name='Guiness' And first_name='Sean' Or title Like 'S%'; Select first_name, last_name, title, description From actor inner join film_actor On actor.actor_id=film_actor.actor_id inner Join Film On Film.film_id=film_actor.film_id Where last_name='Guiness'; Select * from payment Where payment_date between '2005-06-01' and '2005-06-30'; Select * from payment where amount > 5; Use Pythonclub3; Insert into Member(memberlastName, memberFirstName, memberEmail, DateJoined) Values('Jones','Dale','dj@gmail.com','2019-02-19'); Select * from member; Insert into officermember(StartDate, member_idmember, Officer_idOfficer) values('2019-02-20',2,2); Insert into Location(LocationName, Address, City, zipcode, locationPhone) values('Central','1701 Broadway','Seattle','98122', '2065551234'); Insert into meeting(MeetingDate, MeetingTime, MeetingTopic, OfficerMember_idOfficerMember, Location_idLocation) Values('2019-02-20', '16:00:00', 'Stuff and more stuff', 2,1); Update member Set memberfirstname='Bill' Where idmember=2; Delete from member where idmember=2; Insert into Member(memberlastName, memberFirstName, memberEmail, DateJoined) Values('Mann','Doug','dm@gmail.com','2019-02-19'), ('Doe','jane','jd@gmail.com','2019-02-19'), ('Nelson','Anne','an@gmail.com','2019-02-19'), ('Brown','Sue','sb@gmail.com','2019-02-19');
Monday, February 11, 2019
Create and alter tables
Create table location ( locationkey serial primary key, locationname text not null, locationaddress text not null, locationcity text default 'Seattle', locationstate char(2) default 'WA', locationzip varchar(11) Not Null, locationphone varchar(13) Not null, Locationemail text not null unique, locationURL text ); Create table event ( eventkey serial primary key, eventname text not null, eventdate Date not null, eventtime Time not null, eventdescription text, employeekey int references employee(Employeekey) ); Create table locationroom ( locationroomkey serial, locationkey int, roomnumber int not null, eventkey int ); Alter table locationroom add primary key(locationroomkey); Alter table locationroom Add constraint fk_location Foreign key(locationkey) references location(locationkey); Alter table locationroom Add constraint fk_eventForeign Foreign Key(eventkey) references Event(eventkey); Create table personevent ( personkey int not null, eventkey int not null ); Alter table personevent Add primary key (personkey, eventkey); Alter table personevent Add constraint fk_personevent_person Foreign key (personkey) references person(personkey), Add constraint fk_personevent_event Foreign key (eventkey) references event(eventkey); Alter table person add announcement Boolean Default true; Select * from person; Alter table person drop column announcement; --temp tables Create temp table emaillist ( lastname text, firstname text, email text ); Insert into emaillist(lastname, firstname, email) Select personlastname, personfirstname, personemail from person; select * from emaillist; Drop table emaillist; Select personlastname, personfirstname, personemail into temp emaillist from person;
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