Here is a picture of the code testing worksheet
Here is a link to the Fraction code on github
--stored procedures-- --Add a new person to person table --add an address to personAddress --add phone numbers to contact --all tied together with personkey --First version raw Use Community_Assist Go Create proc usp_NewPerson @PersonLastName nvarchar(255), @PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), @PersonEmail nvarchar(255), @PassWord nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressApt nvarchar(255)=null, @PersonAddressStreet nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressCity nvarchar(255)='Seattle', @PersonAddressState nchar(2)='WA', @PersonAddressZip nchar(12), @HomePhone nvarchar(255)=null, @WorkPhone nvarchar(255)=null AS --get seed and password Declare @Seed int Declare @hash varbinary(500) Set @Seed=dbo.fx_GetSeed() Set @hash=dbo.fx_HashPassword(@Seed, @PassWord) --insert into Person Insert into Person( PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonPassWord, PersonEntryDate, PersonPassWordSeed ) Values( @PersonLastName, @PersonFirstName, @PersonEmail, @Hash, GetDate(), @Seed ) --get the personkey for the person just inserted declare @key int Set @key=Ident_current('Person') --insert into personAddress Insert into PersonAddress( PersonAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values( @PersonAddressApt, @PersonAddressStreet, @PersonAddressCity, @PersonAddressState, @PersonAddressZip, @Key) --get the contact type keys Declare @homekey int Declare @WorkKey int Select @homekey=ContactTypekey from ContactType Type where contactTypeName='Home Phone' Select @Workkey=ContactTypekey from ContactType Type where contactTypeName='Work Phone' --if the value is not null insert it if @HomePhone is not null Begin Insert into contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@homePhone, @homeKey, @key) End if @WorkPhone is not null Begin Insert into contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@WorkPhone, @WorkKey, @key) End Go --test first version Exec usp_NewPerson @PersonLastName='Miller', @PersonFirstName='Steve', @PersonEmail='', @PassWord='MillerPass', @PersonAddressStreet='Space Cowboy Ave', @PersonAddressZip='98001', @HomePhone='2065552109' Select * from contact where personkey=131 Go --add try catch and transactions Alter proc usp_NewPerson @PersonLastName nvarchar(255), @PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), @PersonEmail nvarchar(255), @PassWord nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressApt nvarchar(255)=null, @PersonAddressStreet nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressCity nvarchar(255)='Seattle', @PersonAddressState nchar(2)='WA', @PersonAddressZip nchar(12), @HomePhone nvarchar(255)=null, @WorkPhone nvarchar(255)=null AS --get seed and password Declare @Seed int Declare @hash varbinary(500) Set @Seed=dbo.fx_GetSeed() Set @hash=dbo.fx_HashPassword(@Seed, @PassWord) Begin Tran--begin a transaction Begin Try --insert into Person Insert into Person( PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonPassWord, PersonEntryDate, PersonPassWordSeed ) Values( @PersonLastName, @PersonFirstName, @PersonEmail, @Hash, GetDate(), @Seed ) --get the personkey for the person just inserted declare @key int Set @key=Ident_current('Person') --insert into personAddress Insert into PersonAddress( PersonAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values( @PersonAddressApt, @PersonAddressStreet, @PersonAddressCity, @PersonAddressState, @PersonAddressZip, @Key) --get the contact type keys Declare @homekey int Declare @WorkKey int Select @homekey=ContactTypekey from ContactType Type where contactTypeName='Home Phone' Select @Workkey=ContactTypekey from ContactType Type where contactTypeName='Work Phone' --if the value is not null insert it if @HomePhone is not null Begin Insert into contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@homePhone, @homeKey, @key) End if @WorkPhone is not null Begin Insert into contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@WorkPhone, @WorkKey, @key) End Commit tran End Try Begin Catch Rollback tran print error_message() End catch go --second test this should throw error Exec usp_NewPerson @PersonLastName='Miller', @PersonFirstName='Steve', @PersonEmail='', @PassWord='MillerPass', @PersonAddressStreet='Space Cowboy Ave', @PersonAddressZip='98001', @HomePhone='2065552109' Exec usp_NewPerson @PersonLastName='Stewart', @PersonFirstName='James', @PersonEmail='', @PassWord='StewartPass', @PersonAddressStreet='201 Borah Ave', @PersonAddressZip='98001', @HomePhone='2065552166' Select * From Person Go Create procedure usp_UpdatePerson @PersonLastName nvarchar(255), @PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), @PersonEmail nvarchar(255), @PersonKey int As Update Person Set PersonLastName=@personLastname, PersonFirstName=@personfirstname, PersonEmail=@personEmail Where personkey = @personkey go exec usp_UpdatePerson @personlastname='Manning', @personFirstname='Louis', @personEmail='', @Personkey=3 Select * from Person
/*Temporary tables and functions*/ Use Community_Assist Create table #TempPerson ( PersonKey int, PersonLastName nvarchar(255), PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), PersonEmail nvarchar(255) ) Insert into #tempPerson(PersonKey, PersonLastName , PersonFirstName , PersonEmail) Select PersonKey, PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person Select * from #TempPerson Create Table ##tempEmployee ( EmployeeKey int, PersonKey int, EmployeeHireDate Date, EmployeeAnnualSalary money ) Insert into ##TempEmployee Select * from Employee Select * from ##TempEmployee --functions go Create function fx_cubed(@number int) returns int As Begin Declare @Cube int Set @Cube=@number * @number * @number return @Cube End Go Select dbo.fx_cubed(3) Go --75% to charity, 25% to maintenance Create function fx_DonationPercents (@amount money, @percent decimal(5,2)) returns money As Begin--begin function Declare @Percentage money If @Percent <= 1 Begin --begin if Set @Percentage=@Amount * @percent End --end if Else Begin --begin else Declare @percentDivisor decimal(5,2) = 100.00 Set @percentage=@Amount * (@percent / @PercentDivisor) End--end else return @percentage End --end function go Select donationAmount, dbo.fx_DonationPercents(DonationAmount, .25) Maintenance, dbo.fx_DonationPercents(DonationAmount, 75) Charity From Donation Select sum(dbo.fx_DonationPercents(DonationAmount, .25)) Maintenance, sum (dbo.fx_DonationPercents(DonationAmount, 75)) Charity From Donation go Create function fx_Address (@street nvarchar(255), @City nvarchar(255), @State nvarchar(255), @Zip nvarchar(255)) returns nvarchar(255) As Begin Declare @address nvarchar(255) set @Address = @street + ', ' + @city + ', ' + @state + ' ' + @zip return @address End go Select PersonLastName, dbo.fx_Address(PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip) [address] From Person inner join PersonAddress on person.personkey = personaddress.personkey Select * from GrantRequest Select * from GrantReview go Create function fx_GetAllocationAmount (@grantKey int) Returns money As Begin Declare @allocation money Select @allocation=GrantAllocationAmount from GrantReview Where GrantRequestKey = @grantKey return @allocation End Go Select GrantRequestKey, GrantRequestAmount, dbo.fx_GetAllocationAmount(grantRequestKey)Allocation From GrantRequest
--tables Use Community_Assist Create table EventType ( EventTypeKey int identity(1,1) primary key, EventTypeName nvarchar(255) not null, EventTypeDescription nvarchar(255) null ) --how to drop key constraint Alter table Eventype Drop Constraint [PK__EventTyp__F376BCE4BD778CDF] Create table EventLocation ( EventLocationkey int identity(1,1) not null, EventLocationName nvarchar(255) not null, EventLocationAddress nvarchar(255) not null, EventLocationCity nvarchar(255) default 'Seattle', EventLocationState nchar(2) default 'WA', EventLocationZip nchar(12) not null, EventLocationEmail nvarchar(255) null, EventLocationUrl nvarchar(255), Constraint PK_EventLocation primary key(EventLocationkey) ) Create table CAEvent ( EventKey int identity(1,1) not null, EventDate Date not null, EventStartTime Time not null, EventTypeKey int references EventType(EventTypeKey), EventLocationkey int, EmployeeKey int, constraint PK_CAEvent primary key (EventKey), constraint FK_Location Foreign Key(EventLocationKey) references EventLocation(EventLocationKey), constraint FK_EmployeeEvent Foreign Key(EmployeeKey) references Employee(EmployeeKey) ) Create table Attendence ( EventKey int not null, PersonKey int not null ) Alter table Attendence Add Constraint PK_Attendence primary key(EventKey, PersonKey) Alter table Attendence add Constraint FK_EventAttendence Foreign Key(EventKey) References CAEvent(EventKey), constraint FK_PersonAttendence Foreign Key (PersonKey) References Person(PersonKey) Create table EventComment ( CommentKey int identity(1,1) not null primary key, EventKey int references CaEvent(EventKey) , PersonKey int references Person(PersonKey), CommentText nvarchar(max), CommentDate Datetime default GetDate() ) Alter table EventLocation Add constraint unq_name unique(EventLocationName) --bit is used for booleans 1 true 0 false Alter table CAEvent Add Catered bit Alter table EventType Drop column EventTypeDescription Alter Table EventComment Add EventRating int Alter table EventComment Add Constraint ck_rating Check(Eventrating between 1 and 5)
--set operators and modifying data --union use Community_Assist Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonAddressCity, 'person' [table] From Person Inner join PersonAddress on Person.PersonKey=PersonAddress.PersonKey Union Select EmployeeLastName, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeEmail, EmployeeCity, 'Employee' From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee --intersection Select PersonAddressCity [City] From PersonAddress Intersect Select EmployeeCity from MetroAlt.dbo.Employee Select EmployeeCity [City]from MetroAlt.dbo.Employee Intersect Select PersonAddressCity From PersonAddress --except Select EmployeeCity [City]from MetroAlt.dbo.Employee Except Select PersonAddressCity From PersonAddress Select PersonAddressCity [city] from PersonAddress Except Select EmployeeCity from MetroAlt.dbo.Employee --Modifying data Insert into Donation(PersonKey, DonationDate, DonationAmount) Values(4,getDate(),1000.00), (7,getDate(),500.00), (34,getDate(),100.00) Select * from Donation --insert a new person, new Address, new contact and donation Declare @Seed int Set @seed=dbo.fx_GetSeed() Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonPassWord, PersonEntryDate, PersonPassWordSeed) Values('Curry','Steph','', dbo.fx_HashPassword(@seed,'CurryPass'),getDate(),@seed) Insert into PersonAddress(PersonAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values(null,'101010 Broadway','98100', ident_current('Person')) Insert into Contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values('2065551029',1,ident_current('Person')) Insert into Donation(PersonKey, DonationDate, DonationAmount) Values(ident_current('Person'), GetDate(),1200.00) Select * From Person Select * from PersonAddress Select * from Contact Select * from Donation --Updates Create table Person2 ( personLastName nvarchar(255), personFirstName nvarchar(255), personEmail nvarchar(255) ) Insert into person2 Select Personlastname, PErsonfirstName, PersonEmail From PErson Select * from Person2 Update Person2 Set personFirstName='Jason', personlastName='Andrews' where PersonEmail='' Begin tran Update Person2 Set personLastName='Smith' Rollback tran Commit tran Update Person Set personFirstName='Jason', personlastName='Andrews', personEmail='' Where personkey=1 Select * from Person order by PersonLastName Select * from GrantType Update GrantType Set GrantTypeMaximum=GrantTypeMaximum * 1.05, GrantTypeLifetimeMaximum=GrantTypeLifetimeMaximum * 1.05 Begin tran Delete from PersonAddress Select * from PersonAddress Rollback tran Select * from Donation Begin tran Delete from donation where donationKey =52 Commit tran Truncate table Person2 Select * from Person2 --Get rid of object Drop table Person2
Here is our interface
public interface I_items { public void addItem(Item i); public void removeItem(Item i); }
Here is the code for a class that implements that interface
import java.util.ArrayList; public class Inventory implements I_items{ private ArrayList<Item> items; @Override public void addItem(Item i) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void removeItem(Item i) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }
Here is the diagram for the card game program
Here is the link to the card game code on GitHub
4 principles of OOPs Inheritance--general-->more specific--code reuse Encapsulation--seperation of concerns--every class should be self contained, as few dependencies as possible Polymorphism--adapt and behave differently depending on environment --overloading methods, overriding methods--generics Abstraction--generalize, group everthing that is common 4 Types of Relationships Inheritance Association Composition Aggregation
Here is the diagram that shows the inheritance hierarchy
Here are the code classes that show that inheritance
Person Class
package com.spconger; public abstract class Person { private String number; private String name; private String email; private String phone; public String getNumber() { return number; } public void setNumber(String number) { this.number = number; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void setEmail(String email) { = email; } public String getPhone() { return phone; } public void setPhone(String phone) { = phone; } }
The Customer Class
package com.spconger; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Customer extends Person{ ArrayList<String> coupons = new ArrayList<String>(); public void AddCoupons(String coupon){ coupons.add(coupon); } public String toString(){ return getName(); } }
The EmployeeClass
package com.spconger; public abstract class Employee extends Person { private String position; private String hireDate; public String getPosition() { return position; } public void setPosition(String position) { this.position = position; } public String getHireDate() { return hireDate; } public void setHireDate(String hireDate) { this.hireDate = hireDate; } public double calculatePay(){ return 0.0; } }
The SalaryEmployee Class
package com.spconger; public class SalaryEmployee extends Employee{ private double salary; public double getSalary() { return salary; } public void setSalary(double salary) { this.salary = salary; } public double calculatePay(){ return getSalary()/12; } }
Program Class
package com.spconger; import java.util.Scanner; public class Program { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Customer c = new Customer(); c.setName("George"); SalaryEmployee se = new SalaryEmployee(); se.setName("Jenny"); se.setSalary(30000.00); System.out.println(se.getName() + "," + se.getSalary() + ", " + se.calculatePay()); System.out.println(c.toString()); } }
Composition and Aggregation Diagrams