Here is the login Sequence
Here is the game sequence diagram
use Community_Assist --stored procedures --script --parameterized view go Create proc usp_CityProc @City nvarchar(255) As Select PersonLastname [Last], personFirstName [first], PersonEmail Email, PersonAddressCity City From Person p inner join PersonAddress pa on p.PersonKey=pa.PersonKey Where PersonAddressCity=@City exec usp_CityProc 'Kent' --more complicated procedure --3 different stages (just the inserts, try catch error trapping --check to see if already exits --Register a new user --insert into person --when insert into person you need to hash the password --insert into personAddress --insert into contacts go Create proc usp_RegisterMark2 @lastName nvarchar(255), @firstName nvarchar(255), @Email nvarchar(255), @Password nvarchar(255), @Apartment nvarchar(255) =null, @Street nvarchar(255), @City nvarchar(255)= 'Seattle', @State nchar(2) ='WA', @Zip nchar(10), @home nvarchar(255)= null, @work nvarchar(255) =null As --get the random number seed Declare @seed int = dbo.fx_GetSeed() --Declare variable to store the hash Declare @hashed varbinary(500) --hash the plain text password set @hashed = dbo.fx_HashPassword(@seed, @password) --insert Person Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonPassWord, PersonEntryDate, PersonPassWordSeed) Values(@lastName,@firstName,@email, @hashed,GetDate(),@seed) --get the most recent identity from Person Declare @PersonKey int = Ident_Current('Person') --insert into PersonAddress Insert into PersonAddress (PersonAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values(@Apartment,@Street, @City,@state,@zip, @PersonKey) --insert into contact if @home is not null begin Insert into Contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@home, 1, @PersonKey) end if @work is not null begin Insert into Contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@Work, 2, @PersonKey) end go exec usp_RegisterMark2 @lastName='Branson', @firstName='Martin', @Email='', @Password='BransonPass', @Street='1001 North Elsewhere', @Zip='98100', @home='2065552314' Select * from Contact --second version with try catch --transactions go Alter proc usp_RegisterMark2 @lastName nvarchar(255), @firstName nvarchar(255), @Email nvarchar(255), @Password nvarchar(255), @Apartment nvarchar(255) =null, @Street nvarchar(255), @City nvarchar(255)= 'Seattle', @State nchar(2) ='WA', @Zip nchar(10), @home nvarchar(255)= null, @work nvarchar(255) =null As --get the random number seed Declare @seed int = dbo.fx_GetSeed() --Declare variable to store the hash Declare @hashed varbinary(500) --hash the plain text password set @hashed = dbo.fx_HashPassword(@seed, @password) --begin transaction begin tran --begin try Begin try --insert Person Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonPassWord, PersonEntryDate, PersonPassWordSeed) Values(@lastName,@firstName,@email, @hashed,GetDate(),@seed) --get the most recent identity from Person Declare @PersonKey int = Ident_Current('Person') --insert into PersonAddress Insert into PersonAddress (PersonAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values(@Apartment,@Street, @City,@state,@zip, @PersonKey) --insert into contact if @home is not null begin Insert into Contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@home, 1, @PersonKey) end if @work is not null begin Insert into Contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@Work, 2, @PersonKey) end Commit tran --write the transaction End try --end the try Begin Catch --catch an error Rollback tran --undo anything that has been done print Error_Message() End catch go exec usp_RegisterMark2 @lastName='Branson', @firstName='Martin', @Email='', @Password='BransonPass', @Street='1001 North Elsewhere', @Zip='98100', @home='2065552314' --third and final version --we will check to see if person exists go Alter proc usp_RegisterMark2 @lastName nvarchar(255), @firstName nvarchar(255), @Email nvarchar(255), @Password nvarchar(255), @Apartment nvarchar(255) =null, @Street nvarchar(255), @City nvarchar(255)= 'Seattle', @State nchar(2) ='WA', @Zip nchar(10), @home nvarchar(255)= null, @work nvarchar(255) =null As if Not exists (Select * from Person Where PersonEmail=@Email And PersonLastName = @LastName And PersonFirstName=@FirstName) Begin --begin if --get the random number seed Declare @seed int = dbo.fx_GetSeed() --Declare variable to store the hash Declare @hashed varbinary(500) --hash the plain text password set @hashed = dbo.fx_HashPassword(@seed, @password) --begin transaction begin tran --begin try Begin try --insert Person Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonPassWord, PersonEntryDate, PersonPassWordSeed) Values(@lastName,@firstName,@email, @hashed,GetDate(),@seed) --get the most recent identity from Person Declare @PersonKey int = Ident_Current('Person') --insert into PersonAddress Insert into PersonAddress (PersonAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values(@Apartment,@Street, @City,@state,@zip, @PersonKey) --insert into contact if @home is not null begin Insert into Contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@home, 1, @PersonKey) end if @work is not null begin Insert into Contact(ContactNumber, ContactTypeKey, PersonKey) Values(@Work, 2, @PersonKey) end Commit tran --write the transaction End try --end the try Begin Catch --catch an error Rollback tran --undo anything that has been done print Error_Message() End catch End--end if Else --if person does exist Begin print 'Already in database' End go exec usp_RegisterMark2 @lastName='Branson', @firstName='Martin', @Email='', @Password='BransonPass', @Street='1001 North Elsewhere', @Zip='98100', @home='2065552314' --create a stored procedure to --update address information go Create proc usp_UpdateAddress @PersonAddressApt nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressStreet nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressCity nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressState nvarchar(255), @PersonAddressZip nvarchar(255), @PersonKey int As Begin tran Begin try Update PersonAddress Set PersonAddressApt=@personAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet=@personAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity=@PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState = @PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip=@PersonAddressZip Where PersonKey = @PersonKey Commit tran End Try Begin Catch Rollback tran print Error_message() End Catch Select * from PersonAddress Exec usp_UpdateAddress @PersonAddressApt='10A', @PersonAddressStreet='1001 North Mann Street', @PersonAddressCity='Seattle', @PersonAddressState='Wa', @PersonAddressZip='98001', @PersonKey=1
use Community_Assist --temporary tables Create table #TempTable ( PersonKey int, personLastName nvarchar(255), PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), PersonEmail nvarchar(255) ) Insert into #tempTable (PersonKey, personLastName,PersonFirstName, PersonEmail) Select Personkey, PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person Select * from #TempTable Create table ##TempTable2 ( PersonKey int, personLastName nvarchar(255), PersonFirstName nvarchar(255), PersonEmail nvarchar(255) ) Insert into ##tempTable2 (PersonKey, personLastName,PersonFirstName, PersonEmail) Select Personkey, PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person --functions--scalar go Create function fx_Cube (@number int) returns int As Begin Declare @cube int Set @Cube = @number * @number * @number return @Cube End Go Select EmployeeKey, dbo.fx_Cube(EmployeeKey) as cubed from Employee Select * from Person go /* this one doesn't work for some reason Alter Function fx_Address (@Address nvarchar(255), @apartment nvarchar(255), @City nvarchar(255), @State nvarchar(255), @Zip nvarchar(255)) returns nvarchar(255) As Begin Declare @complete nvarchar(255) if @Apartment is not null Begin set @complete = @address + ' ' + @Apartment + ' ' + @city + ', ' + @state + ' ' + @zip End Else Begin set @complete = @address + ' ' + @city + ', ' + @state + ' ' + @zip End return @Complete End */ go go Alter function fx_OneLineAddress (@Apartment nvarchar(255), @Street nvarchar(255), @City nvarchar(255), @State nchar(2), @Zip nchar(9)) returns nvarchar(255) as Begin Declare @address nvarchar(255) if @Apartment is null Begin Set @Address=@Street + ', ' + @City + ', ' + @state + ' ' + @zip End else Begin Set @Address= @Street + ', ' + @Apartment + ', ' + @City + ', ' + @state + ' ' + @zip End return @Address End go Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, dbo.fx_oneLineAddress( PersonAddressApt, PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip) as [Address] From Person p inner Join PersonAddress pa on p.PersonKey = pa.PersonKey go Create function fx_RequestMax (@GrantTypeKey int, @RequestAmount money) returns money As Begin Declare @Max money Select @Max=GrantTypeMaximum from GrantType Where GrantTypeKey = @GrantTypeKey Declare @Differance money set @Differance = @max - @RequestAmount Return @Differance End go Select GrantRequestKey, GrantRequestDate, GrantRequestAmount, dbo.fx_RequestMax(GrantTypeKey, GrantRequestAmount) as Diff From GrantRequest
Artist Class
package com.spconger; public class Artist { private String artistName; private String artistURL; private String artistInfo; public String getArtistName() { return artistName; } public void setArtistName(String artistName) { this.artistName = artistName; } public String getArtistURL() { return artistURL; } public void setArtistURL(String artistURL) { this.artistURL = artistURL; } public String getArtistInfo() { return artistInfo; } public void setArtistInfo(String artistInfo) { this.artistInfo = artistInfo; } }
Here is the fan Class
package com.spconger; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Fan { private String Name; private String Email; private ArrayList<Artist>followArtists; private ArrayList<String> genres; private ArrayList<String> alerts; public Fan() { followArtists = new ArrayList<Artist>(); } public String getName() { return Name; } public void setName(String name) { Name = name; } public String getEmail() { return Email; } public void setEmail(String email) { Email = email; } public ArrayList<Artist> getFollowArtists() { return followArtists; } public void AddArtist(Artist a){ followArtists.add(a); } public void RemoveArtist(Artist a){ followArtists.remove(a); } }
Here is the Program class where I call the classes and methods
package com.spconger; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Program { public static void main(String[] args) { Fan f = new Fan(); f.setName("Joe Demaggio"); f.setEmail(""); Artist a1 = new Artist(); a1.setArtistName("ACDC"); f.AddArtist(a1); Artist a2 = new Artist(); a2.setArtistName("Bob Dylan"); f.AddArtist(a2); Artist a3 = new Artist(); a3.setArtistName("Ozzy Osborne"); f.AddArtist(a3); ArrayList<Artist>artists = f.getFollowArtists(); for(Artist a : artists){ System.out.println(a.getArtistName()); } System.out.println(); f.RemoveArtist(a1); ArrayList<Artist>artists1 = f.getFollowArtists(); for(Artist a : artists1){ System.out.println(a.getArtistName()); } } }
--set operators --union joins two different tables --both sides of the union need to have a similar structure use Community_Assist Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail From Person Union Select EmployeeLastName, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeEmail From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonAddressCity From Person p Inner Join PersonAddress pa ON p.PersonKey=pa.PersonKey Union Select EmployeeLastName, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeEmail, EmployeeCity From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee --intersect returns all the values that are in both --selects Select PersonAddressCity From PersonAddress pa Intersect Select EmployeeCity From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee Select EmployeeCity From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee intersect Select PersonAddressCity From PersonAddress pa --Except returns only those values that are in --the first query that are NOT in the second Select PersonAddressCity From PersonAddress pa Except Select EmployeeCity From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee Select EmployeeCity From MetroAlt.dbo.Employee except Select PersonAddressCity From PersonAddress pa --modify data --basic insert Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail,PersonEntryDate) values ('Johnson','Rupert','',getDate()) --insert multiple rows Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail,PersonEntryDate) values ('Lexington','Mark','', GetDate()), ('Ford', 'Harrison', '', GetDate()) --create variable for password and seed Declare @seed int = dbo.fx_getseed() Declare @password varbinary(500) = dbo.fx_HashPassword(@seed, 'MoonPass') Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonPassWord, PersonEntryDate, PersonPassWordSeed) Values('Moon', 'Shadow','', @password, GetDate(),@seed) --the ident_current function returns the last autonumber (identity) created --in the database named Insert into PersonAddress( PersonAddressStreet, PersonAddressCity, PersonAddressState, PersonAddressZip, PersonKey) Values ('1010 South Street', 'Seattle', 'WA', '98000',IDENT_CURRENT('Person')) Select * from PersonAddress --update changes existing data. --it is one of the most dangerous --SQL Commands Update Person Set PersonFirstName='Jason' where PersonKey =1 --begin a manual transaction (allows undo) Begin tran Update Person Set PersonLastName='Smith', PersonEmail='' Where personKey=130 Select * from Person Select * from GrantType Rollback tran --undo transaction Commit Tran -- write the results to the database --update everything on purpose Update GrantType Set GrantTypeMaximum=GrantTypeMaximum * 1.05, GrantTypeLifetimeMaximum=GrantTypeLifetimeMaximum * 1.1 Delete From Person where personkey=1 --won't work because of referential integrity constraints begin tran --but it will work on a child table --this command will delete all the records --in the personAddress table Delete from Personaddress Select * from personAddress rollback tran Create table People ( lastname nvarchar(255), firstname nvarchar(255), email nvarchar(255) ) Insert into people(lastname, firstname, email) select personlastname, personfirstName, personEmail from person Select * from people Delete from people Where email ='' --another way to delete all --the records in a table Truncate table people --Drops the whole table Drop table people
Here are the whiteboard drawings we did in class. The first is for a CROSS JOIN. in a CROSS JOIN, each row in the first table is matched to every row in the second table. This gives you a result set that shows every possible combination of values. A CROSS JOIN ignores any actual relationships between the tables, that is why they don't have an ON clause to specify the relationship. A CROSS JOIN can be useful for some things, but it is very rare that you will want to use one. In fact, almost never.
An INNER JOIN returns only matching rows, that is only rows where the primary key of the first table is a foreign key in the second table. Any unmatched records are ignored. This is the kind of join you will use at least 90% of the time. It allows you to see all the sales belonging to a particular customer, for instance, or all the people who have donated money.
An OUTER JOIN returns all the records from one side of the relationship and only matching records from the other side. In a LEFT OUTER JOIN the query returns all the records in the first table listed and only matching records in the second. A RIGHT OUTER JOIN reverses that, returning all the records from the second table and only matching records from the first. A FULL OUTER JOIN returns all the records from both tables whether they match or not. OUTER joins are useful for finding records that DON'T match: Customers that don't have orders, Inventory items that no one has ever purchased, etc. Again, only use OUTER JOINS when you are looking for mismatches.
--table expressions --sub query in the from clause --sub queries must be aliased Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, City From (Select PersonLastname, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonAddressCity City From Person p inner join PersonAddress pa on p.PersonKey = pa.PersonKey where PersonAddressCity='Bellevue') as BellevueResidents --same but with wildcard Select * From (Select PersonLastname, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonAddressCity City From Person p inner join PersonAddress pa on p.PersonKey = pa.PersonKey where PersonAddressCity='Bellevue') as BellevueResidents --another table expression example Select GrantType, total, Average From (Select GrantTypeName GrantType, Sum(GrantRequestAmount) as Total, Avg(GrantRequestAmount) as Average From GrantRequest gr inner join GrantType gt on gr.GrantTypeKey=gt.GrantTypeKey Group by GrantTypeName) as TypeTotals --Common table expressions are similar --to reqular expressions except --the subquery is defined first which --is better logically With BellevueResidents as ( Select PersonLastname, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonAddressCity City From Person p inner join PersonAddress pa on p.PersonKey = pa.PersonKey where PersonAddressCity='Bellevue' ) Select * from BellevueResidents go -- a second example with typeTotals as ( Select GrantTypeName GrantType, Sum(GrantRequestAmount) as Total, Avg(GrantRequestAmount) as Average From GrantRequest gr inner join GrantType gt on gr.GrantTypeKey=gt.GrantTypeKey Group by GrantTypeName )Select GrantType, Total, Average from TypeTotals go --Declare @City nvarchar(255) ='Kent' Declare @city nvarchar(255) set @city ='Kent'; With BellevueResidents as ( Select PersonLastname, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonAddressCity City From Person p inner join PersonAddress pa on p.PersonKey = pa.PersonKey where PersonAddressCity=@city ) Select * from BellevueResidents go --views are basically stored queries-- they usually --represent "a view" some user has of the data --they also can be used to obscure the underlying --structure of the database, because the user --of a view can only see the aliases for the columns --and can't see the underlying tables Create view vw_Employee As Select PersonLastName [Last Name], PersonFirstName [First Name], PersonEmail Email, EmployeeHireDate [Hire Date], EmployeeAnnualSalary [Annual Salary], PositionName [Position] From Person p inner join Employee e on p.Personkey=e.PersonKey inner join EmployeePosition ep on e.EmployeeKey = ep.EmployeeKey inner join Position ps on ep.PositionKey=ps.PositionKey Go Select [last name], [first name], Email from vw_Employee Where [Annual Salary] > 0 order by [Last Name] --schemabinding makes it so that the --tables underlying the view --cannot be changed --at least not without removing the view go Create view vw_Donations with schemabinding As Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, DonationDate, DonationAmount From dbo.person p inner join dbo.donation d on p.PersonKey=d.PersonKey go Select * from vw_Donations go --this won't work because table bound to view Alter table Donation Drop column DonationDate go --a schema, in this context, is a set of objects --with common ownership --dbo, database owner, is the default schema Create schema managerSchema go --here is a view that is owned by the managerSchema Create view managerSchema.RequestSummary As Select GrantTypeName GrantType, Sum(GrantRequestAmount) as Total, Avg(GrantRequestAmount) as Average From GrantRequest gr inner join GrantType gt on gr.GrantTypeKey=gt.GrantTypeKey Group by GrantTypeName go --table valued function is a function that --returns a table as a result --this one takes a parameter @City --that must be provided by the user Create function fx_GetCities(@city nvarchar(255)) returns table As Return ( Select PersonLastname, PersonFirstName, PersonEmail, PersonAddressCity City From Person p inner join PersonAddress pa on p.PersonKey = pa.PersonKey where PersonAddressCity=@city ) --using the function go Select * from dbo.fx_GetCities('Kent')