Thursday, November 19, 2015

Classes and objects 2

Here is the Term class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TermDictionary
    public class Term
        this class stores a term and its
        private string word;
        private string definition;

        public string Word
                return word;

                word = value;

        public string Definition
                return definition;

                definition = value;
        }//end property

        public override string ToString()
            string termDef = Word + "--" + Definition;
            return termDef;

    }//end class

    public class Class1
}//end namespace

Here is the TDictionary class that stores the terms

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TermDictionary
    public class TDictionary
        this class stores Terms in a list
        and contains methods for Adding
        terms to the list
        and for searching the list for a particular
        private List<Term> terms;

        public TDictionary()
            terms = new List<Term>();

        public void AddTerm(Term t)

        public string Search(string word)
            string def=null;
            foreach(Term t in terms)
                    def = t.Definition;
            if (def == null)
                def = "definition not found";
            return def;



Here is the display class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TermDictionary
    public class Display
        gets the input to build the dictionary
        and allows the user to enter words to search for
        TDictionary dictionary;

        public Display()
            dictionary = new TDictionary();

        private void GetTerms()
            string done = "yes";
            while (done == "yes")
                Term t = new Term();
                Console.WriteLine("add a word");
                t.Word = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Add a definition");
                t.Definition = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Add another yes/no");
                done = Console.ReadLine();


        private void SearchDictionary()
                ("Enter the word you want to search for");
            string word = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("The definition is {0}",



And here, finally, is the program class with Main()

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TermDictionary
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Display d = new Display();

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Objects part 1

Here is our Customer class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ObjectExample
    public class Customer
        //private fields--a class level variable
        //the describes elements of the class
        private string name;
        private string phone;
        private string email;
        private int rewardPoints;

        //default constructor, no arguments
        //initializes everything to lowest possible value
        public Customer()

        //overloaded constructor takes parameters
        //the compiler chooses which constructor to use
        //based on the number and types of arguments
        //but only one constructor is used at a time
        public Customer(string name, string phone,
            string email, int points)
            Name = name;
            Phone = phone;
            Email = email;
            RewardPoints = points;

        //public properties--properties make the
        //private fields accessible
        //set allows the user to change the value of
        //a field. Get allows the use to see the value
        //of a field
        public string Name
            set { name = value; }
            get { return name; }

        public string Phone
            get { return phone; }
            set { phone = value; }

        public string Email
                return email;

                email = value;

        public int RewardPoints
                return rewardPoints;

                rewardPoints = value;

        //public metods
        public void AddRewards(decimal amount)
            RewardPoints += (int)(amount * .1M);

        public void SubtractPoints(int points)
            RewardPoints =- points;


Here is the Program class were we instantiate and use the Customer class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ObjectExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            //this instantiates an object of the customer type
            //and then uses the propeties set to assign the values
            Customer customer = new Customer();
            customer.Name = "John Lennon";
            customer.Phone = "(212)555-3132";
            customer.Email = "";
            customer.RewardPoints = 20;

            //this instantiates another object of the customer type
            //and uses the overloaded constructor to pass in the values
            Customer customer2 = new Customer("Ringo Starr",
                "(212)555-1234", "", 10);

            //the output uses the get element of the properties
            Console.WriteLine(customer.Name + "\n " +
                customer.Phone + "\n"
                + customer.Email + "   "
                + customer.RewardPoints);


            Console.WriteLine(customer2.Name + "\n " +
               customer2.Phone + "\n"
               + customer2.Email + "   "
               + customer2.RewardPoints);


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Methods 2: the Tip Calculator

Here is the code with comments

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TipCalculator
    class Program
            Get the amount of the bill
            Get the tip percent
            Get the tax
            calculate the tax
            calculte the tip
            Get the total
            Display the amount, the tax and the total

    //since every method uses this I set it at Class Scope
        double amount=0;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //initialize the class
            Program p = new Program();
            //call get amount
            //call calculate total which calls all the 
            //other methods


        void GetAmount()
            //this method gets the amount 
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Amount");
            amount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        double GetTipPercent()
            //in this method we create a simple menu
            //to give the user a choice of tip options
            double tipPercent = 0;
            int choice = 0;
            Console.WriteLine("Choose your tip Percent");
            Console.WriteLine("1 for 10 Percent");
            Console.WriteLine("2 for 15 Percent");
            Console.WriteLine("3 for 20 Percent");
            Console.WriteLine("4 for other");
            choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            //the switch analyses their choice and assigns
            //the appropriate tip
            switch (choice)
                case 1:
                    tipPercent = .1;
                case 2:
                    tipPercent = .15;
                case 3:
                    tipPercent = .2;
                case 4: 
                    //when choosing other we give them the 
                    //opportunity to enter their own tip amount
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter your alternate tip amount");
                    tipPercent = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    //make sure it is in decimal form
                    if (tipPercent > 1)
                        tipPercent =tipPercent/ 100;
                    Console.WriteLine("Not a valid choice.");
            return tipPercent;


        double GetTaxPercent()
            //let the user enter the tax percent
            Console.WriteLine("Enter The tax Percent");
            double taxPercent = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            if (taxPercent > 1)
                taxPercent /= 100;

            return taxPercent;

        double CalculateTax()
            //calculate the tax --calls
            //get Tax percent
              double tax=amount * GetTaxPercent();
               return tax;

        double CalculateTip()
            //calculate tip calls GetTipPercent
            return amount * GetTipPercent();

        void CalculateTotal()
            //CalculateTip calls GetTipPercent
            //CalculateTax call GetTaxPercent.
            //This method also calls Display,
            //so this is the only method besides
            //GetAmount that we need to call
            //From Main
            double tip = CalculateTip();
            double tax = CalculateTax();
            double total = amount + tax + tip;
            //call display and pass the values
            Display(tip, tax, total);


        void Display(double tip, double tax, double total)
            //display the results
            Console.WriteLine("Your amount is {0}", amount);
            Console.WriteLine("the tip is {0}", tip);
            Console.WriteLine("Your tax is {0}", tax);
            Console.WriteLine("the Total is {0}", total);

        void PauseIt()
            //pause the console
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");


Here is the diagram we drew of how the methods execute

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

SQL Part 2

use CommunityAssist
--another join of three tables
--the as Aliases a column giving it a temporary
--name for the result table
--the as key word is actually optional
Select p.Personkey, PersonLastName as "Last Name", 
   PersonFirstname as "First Name",
 From Person  p
 inner join PersonAddress pa
 on p.PersonKey=pa.PersonKey
 inner join donation d
 on p.PersonKey=d.PersonKey
 where DonationAmount > 1000
 order by DonationAmount desc

 --a cross join matches every value in the first table
 --to every value in the second table
 Select PersonLastName, DonationAmount
 From Person
 cross Join Donation

 --getdate is a function that returns the current date and time
 select GetDate() as Today

 Select * from Donation

 --some date functions
 Select Distinct Year(DonationDate) as [Year] from Donation
 Select Distinct Month(DonationDate) as [Month] from Donation
 Select Distinct Day(DonationDate) as [Day] from Donation

 --DateDiff is a function that subtracts one date from
 --another. You have to specify the unit, the one below
 --specifies days, yy is years, mm is month
 Select DonationDate, DonationConfirmDate, 
 DateDiff(dd,DonationDate, DonationConfirmDate) 
 as "Time to Confirmation"
 From Donation

 --these are the basic aggregate functions
 Select Sum(DonationAmount)From Donation
 Select Avg(DonationAmount)From Donation
 Select Count(DonationAmount)From Donation
 Select Max(DonationAmount)From Donation
 Select Min(DonationAmount)From Donation

 --any column that is not included in the aggregate function
 --in this case sum must be include in a group by statment
 --the group by prioritizes the grouping from left to right
 Select Year(DonationDate) as [year],
  Month(DonationDate) as [Month],
  Sum(donationAmount) as total
 From Donation
 group by Year(DonationDate), Month(DonationDate)

  Select Year(DonationDate) as [year],
  Month(DonationDate) as [Month],
  Avg(donationAmount) as Average
 From Donation
 group by Year(DonationDate), Month(DonationDate)

 --the having clause is like the where clause
 --but is used when the criteria includes
 --an aggregate function, in this case count
 Select Month(DonationDate) as [Month],
  Day(DonationDate) as [Day], 
  count(*) as [Count]
  From donation
  group by Month(DonationDate), Day(DonationDate)
  Having Count(DonationAmount) > 2

  --insert a new person and then a new donation
  Insert into Person(PersonLastName, PersonFirstName)
  --the ident_current function returns the last autonumber
  --created in the table listed--it only works with autonumbers
  Insert into Donation([DonationDate],[DonationAmount],[PersonKey])
  Values(GetDate(), 5000.00,ident_Current('Person'))

  Select * from Person

  Select * From Donation

  --update changes existing data
  --it is crucial to have a where clause
  Update Person
  set PersonFirstname = 'Jason'
  where PersonKey=1

  --transition manually creates a transistion
  --this allows you the possiblity of a undo (Rollback)
  Begin tran

  update Person
  Set PersonLastName='Smith'

  --undo the above transaction
  rollback tran
  --or write it
  commit tran

  --won't work because person 3 has related records 
  --in other tables
  Delete from Person where personkey=3

  Begin tran

  --this however will delete eveything in donation
  Delete from Donation

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Methods 1

Here is the code we did in class for Methods.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace methodsexample
    class Program

        //this is a class level variable
        //a variable has the "scope" of the block
        //it is declared in--the class
        //That means age can be seen and accessed
        //by any method in the class
        int age = 0;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //because Main is static it is loaded into memory
            //immediately, but the rest of the class is not
            //this line loads the rest of the class into memory
            Program p = new Program();
            //this calls the method "Hello." To Call a method just
            //name it and pass any parameters
            //p is our variable standing for the class Program
            //p.Hello() means the method belongs to the Program class
            //call Pauseit

        //void means it doesn't return anything
        //it just does its stuff and returns
        //to where it was called
        void Hello()
            //call the method GetName()

        void GetName()

            Console.WriteLine("What is your name?");
            string person=Console.ReadLine();
            //call the method getAge() and pass it the string parameter 

        //this method takes an argument or Parameter 
        //of the type string
        void GetAge(string nom)
            Console.WriteLine("What is your age?");
            //age has class scope. It is important to not
            //re-declare it here by saying "int age"
            //if you do C# gives the local variable precidence
            //and the class level age will not get a value
            age = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            //calls the Method HowIsItGoing() and passes
            //the parameter nom

        //This method returns a value of the type int
        //Any method that returns something other than void
        //must have a return statment that returns
        //a value of the kind indicated
        int GetBirthYear()
            int years = 0;
            //use the built in DateTime class to get the year
            int currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
            //subtract the age from the current year
            years = currentYear - age;
            //return the resulting value
            return years;


        void HowIsItGoing(string name)
                ("You are {0} years old. How's it going, {1}?",age, name);
            //this calls the GetBirthYear() function and store the value
            //it returns in the variable birthYear
            //if you don't assign the returned value to a variable
            //it just goes away
            int birthYear = GetBirthYear();
            Console.WriteLine("you were born in {0}", birthYear);

        void PauseIt()
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");


Monday, November 2, 2015

SQL part 1

Here is the SQL we did in class so far

--this changes the context to the database communityAssist
use CommunityAssist;

--a select statement that choose fields
FROM Person;

--the astric * is a wild card saying return all columns
--order by sorts, desc sorts in reverse
Select * from Person
order by PersonLastName desc, PersonFirstname desc;

--the where clause limits what "rows" are returned
Select * From Person
Where PersonLastName = 'Baker';

Select * From Person
Where PersonLastName Like '%B%';

Select * from PersonAddress;

Select * from PersonAddress
where Apartment is not null

Select * From ServiceGrant
Where GrantAllocation > 400

Select * From ServiceGrant
where GrantDate between '2013-08-09' and '2013-08-19'

--inner joins join data from two or more related tables
Select PersonLastName, PersonFirstname,
GrantDate, GrantAmount, ServiceName, GrantNeedExplanation
From Person
inner join ServiceGrant
on Person.PersonKey=ServiceGrant.PersonKey
inner Join CommunityService
on CommunityService.ServiceKey = ServiceGrant.ServiceKey
Where PersonLastName='Anderson'